Morning Prayer for Today – Revive My Prayer Life
Almighty God,
Who is like you in Heaven and on Earth?
You are the only one worthy of being called …
Almighty God,
Who is like you in Heaven and on Earth?
You are the only one worthy of being called …
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your goodness and mercy toward me.
Every day you lavish your love on me even …
Dear Lord,
I worship you because you are a great God, and no one is like you. You are the …
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for another beautiful moment to spend in prayer with you. I am giving you all my …
You are a loving and amazing Father. The love you lavish on me is more excellent than words can …
Father God,
I give you the glory for your goodness and compassion that never fails me.
Thank you for providing …
My Dearest Father,
I am a living witness to your faithfulness and goodness. Indeed, your love is forever loyal.
Father, …
My Dear Jesus,
I thank you, Lord God, for your blessings in my life.
I am grateful for the precious …
Father God,
I thank you for always giving me victory in the different battles that arise in my life.
Lord, …
I worship you, Heavenly Father, for you are the Almighty God, my Source and Protector.
It is a great privilege …
Father God,
Your earnest desire is to see your children grow into maturity in Christ as we steadily walk in …
Dearest Heavenly Father,
I am most grateful for your blessing to me every day. Thank you for your unconditional love …
My Father,
I thank you for saving me through the finished work of Jesus Christ.
You washed away my sins …
Dear Heavenly Father,
I worship your majesty. Your glory fills up the heavens and spreads forth across the earth.
You …
My Father,
Thank you for another opportunity to fellowship with you through prayer.
Thank you for the gift of your …
My Dear Jesus,
Thank you for the gifts of the godly associations and acquaintances around me through whom you speak …
I give you all my worship because you are my Source that never runs dry.
You make sure I …
Dear Father,
I can stand before you confidently in prayer and fellowship because of your love and forgiveness.
I have …
Father God,
Thank you for the beautiful gift of salvation you gave me through the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus.…
Heavenly Father,
Your goodness to everyone who belongs to you knows no bounds. You are always on our side, blessing …
My Jesus,
I thank you for being so amazing in my life.
You know everything about my life, even the …
My holy Father and King,
Your faithfulness makes my life beautiful and keeps me going every day.
No matter the …
Dear loving Father,
Your love ravishes my heart and fills me with peace.
It strengthens me to be thankful in …
Merciful Saviour,
Your hand has never failed to deliver me, even when I am in trouble.
When danger or crises …