Morning prayer for today – I Am Never Alone
Dear Lord,
In You, I find comfort and refuge. I have assurance in Your Word that whatever You say, You …
Dear Lord,
In You, I find comfort and refuge. I have assurance in Your Word that whatever You say, You …
Faithful God,
Thank You for loving me with your everlasting love. Before I was formed in my mother’s womb, You …
Heavenly Father,
I love You and praise Your name with all in me.
I am here today because You have …
Lord God,
Thank You for giving me Your Spirit to guide me always. Even when I choose to go my …
Almighty God,
Your Word says in Psalm 24:1:
The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and …
My Father,
Thank You for all you do for me every day.
Even when I walk in ignorance, You love …
Great God,
Thank You for my life and for the salvation of my soul. My heart is filled with joy …
Dear Lord,
Thank You for Your mercies upon me and all that You have given me.
Father, You have put …
Lord God,
It’s another beautiful day You have made; I rejoice and take gladness in it. Thank You for Your …
Heavenly Father,
Your word says in Psalm 68:19:
Blessed be the Lord, Who bears our burdens and carries us day …
Father God,
Thank You for the gift of salvation made available for everyone through Your Son, Jesus Christ.
It is …
Dear Lord,
Thank You for the breath in my lungs and the beauty of a new sunrise.
Your Word says,…
Dear Lord,
Today, I come to You with a heart full of gratitude.
Thank You for the sunrise; it reminds …
Dear Lord,
You have blessed me with a family. Thank you because you had it all figured out when you …
Dear Father,
Thank you for another beautiful day and for every blessing today. I am thankful for every good thing …
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for another opportunity to fellowship with you, to know your heart, and receive your grace.…
Lord Jesus,
Each time I remember all you did for my salvation and the salvation of humanity, I am most …
Lord Jesus,
I humble myself under your mighty hand today. You are the King above all kings and the Lord …
O Lord,
How majestic is your name in all the earth? You are my God and my guaranteed help in …
Dear Lord,
I worship you for the amazing peace you have blessed my life with. Thank you for giving me …
I am yours. Through the sacrifice of Jesus, you bought me and made me your temple. I offer you …
Holy Spirit,
Sometimes life can feel like walking through the valley of the shadow of death. Everything makes sense one …
Dear Father,
Thank you for the privilege of being called your child. I can boast today, not because I am …
Dear Holy Spirit,
I present myself to you today, my heart, thoughts, and state of mind. You are the healer, …