Unspoken Prayer Request Example

We can never overemphasize the need or the power of prayer. We need to be constantly reminded that anyone can have an unspoken prayer request

An unspoken prayer request example can be something like asking God for deliverance from a shameful habit, or asking Him for the strength to keep the faith while you struggle through depression.

Why should I ask for prayers?

At some point in our lives, we will deal with different challenges. Some of them may be instant, while others may not. However, in all of these things, we will need God’s Divine intervention to see us through.

There are many reasons or benefits in sharing your personal prayer request with others to pray with or for you. You can ask a church prayer group, a prayer support network like our community here at Operando, or a loved one to pray along with you. 

The thing is God never gets tired of listening to your requests. He is always available and willing to help us in time of need.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Psalms 46:1 (KJV)

However, here is the greatest reason why you should consider seeking a prayer support during your time of need.

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 18:19 (KJV)

There is great power in united prayer. When you share your request, spoken or unspoken, you join your faith with that of the person or group. The more the number, the more the strength of faith. And when prayer is done in faith according to God’s will, He has promised to answer.

Can you help me with any unspoken prayer request example?

Maybe you’re thinking about requesting prayer from a group or from someone you trust but don’t know how to go about it, we have put together a list of examples that can help.

These are prayers that can be shared with anyone and anywhere. Remember that having an unspoken prayer request does not mean being completely silent. It simply means not going into too much details about your needs; this could be for any reason.

Here are some examples you might find helpful:

  • “Dear God, help my son. I feel like he is struggling but unable to speak up about it. I don’t know what it is, but i know you do. Please intervene. I don’t want to lose him.”
  • “Please pray for me. I need money to pay bills.”
  • “Currently suffering from a terminal disease. I have used all forms of treatment to no avail. I don’t want to die, but it keeps getting worse everyday. Please pray for God to help me somehow. I am frustrated and don’t know what his will is anymore because I have been asking for healing for long now to no avail. Please pray for me.”
  • “Please pray for my friend. She is suffering from worrying and fearfulness. I have tried encouraging her but it seems to be getting worse and telling on her health.”

Observe that all the above prayers are sound and honest prayer requests but the details aren’t outlined. 

We know the son is struggling but don’t know what it is. We know money is needed but not how much and for what bill. We know there is a terminal disease but don’t know the name.

However, in all things, we have the assurance that God hears and will answer when we pray in faith. You can share your own prayer request today by using any unspoken prayer request example above as a guide.

Send us your prayer request

Our prayer ministry is always active 24 hours a day to receive your requests. You can submit a prayer request either to our email address or post on our prayer wall free of charge. 

The combined faith of our volunteers and hundreds of site visitors from different parts of the world is a great benefit that will result in answers to your prayers.

Why not go ahead and post your prayer request now.

3 responses to “Unspoken Prayer Request Example”

  1. Peggy Avatar

    Thank You the examples of unspoken prayers was truly enlightening!

    1. Operando Avatar

      Thank you Peggy, we are glad you find it helpful.

  2. Judy Heinz Avatar
    Judy Heinz

    Prayig for my neighbots.

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