In the name of Jesus Christ: Prayer Request Testimonies

The Bible tells us that God has made available a name that is above every other name, the name of Jesus. When you pray in the authority of Jesus Christ, prayer request answers are guaranteed according to God’s will and timing. 

The Bible says, 

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Philippians 2:9-11

When you pray in the name of Jesus, it is a power prayer. It doesn’t matter whether you are praying by yourself or sharing your prayer with a prayer group. It does not matter whether you are praying for yourself or over another person’s prayer request.

When we pray according to the will of God (which is easy when we are familiar with God’s word and have submitted our lives to it), we have the guarantee that God will answer us.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

1John 5:14

One of the benefits of receiving answered prayers is that God will give your testimony in proclaiming the good news to everyone around us – and even to the world. Also, it goes a long way in boosting the faith of others believing God for similar situations.

Are you going to take advantage of this great power that God has given us – praying by faith in the name of Jesus Christ.

What It Means to Pray in Jesus’ Name

The name of Jesus is the gateway through which true prayers must enter heaven. His name is the ‘pass key’ that opens heaven’s account.”

Eddie and Alice Smith

Here is some things that happen when we make our prayers, either personal or for others in Jesus name:

  1. We place demand on the authority in the name of Jesus.

By our prayers, we acknowledge that Jesus is Lord and possesses all the authority over all situations. It’s like making a withdrawal from a bank account. The name of Jesus enables us to withdraw from heaven’s account.

You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it”

John 14:14
  1. We provide God an opportunity to be glorified.

By praying in the name of Jesus, we give God a chance to display His power in our lives in such a notable way. So, everyone can trace the miracle back to the me behind it.

And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.”

John 14:13
  1. We declare our faith in the finished work of Christ that makes all things possible for us.

Praying in Jesus name is a proof of our faith in His authority and His Person.

“By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong.”

Acts 3:16
  1. No devil can stand against the name of Jesus.

Situations and things are subject to the name and power of Jesus Christ when it is called upon in faith.

And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues.

Mark 16:17

Jesus Himself has made it clear that when we pray in His name, God answers (according to His will). His name is all powerful. And not only so, He is a Savior that sympathises with His people and is willing to offer us the assistance that we need at the critical time.

Touched by Jesus Christ: prayer request answered

Here is a wonderful testimony shared by someone who experienced the healing touch of Jesus Christ through a prayer of faith:

Several years ago I spent ten long days at the hospital while my father had open-heart surgery. Four days after heart surgery, he began to bleed internally and had to quickly go in for another operation. In the waiting room I prayed in the name of Jesus that the bleeding would stop, and it did. The operation was successful, and my father just had his 91st birthday!

Debbie Przybylski

Be assured that when you decide to start praying or to share your prayers with a network like Operando, in the name of Jesus Christ, prayer request answers like these can be yours too. Why, because through our prayers, we are touching heaven’s power bank.

Let us pray with you

You can share your request here on our prayer wall. Our team of volunteers and site visitors make up a strong network of intercessors whose combined faith can make a huge difference in effecting change over your situation. 

Operando’s prayer line is always open to receive your prayer requests 24/7. We believe God that you too will share your testimony soon.

Go ahead and share your prayers now

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One response to “In the name of Jesus Christ: Prayer Request Testimonies”

  1. Jordy Avatar

    Hello My name is Jordy, I am From the Netherlands, I am 21 years old, Pray for me that all lukewarmness will leave out of my, And that i get spiritual stronger spiritual grow, and that i will spend more time in the bible, and in prayers, And that the relationship God and Me will be stronger and better, And that all Spiritual Wall that causing Spiritual blockage and blocking the blessings of God, that it will be broken, And that my spiritual Eyes and ears will be open to see What God wants me to see, and to hear His voice!, Also That God will give me the discipline i need, and That i will do the will of God more, And That i will be led by the Holy Spirit very strong, that God will use me powerful!, and That i also have freedom in Jesus name that i will be cleansed, and that it will leave me, from all spiritual wickedness, all wickedness, perversion, Lust, Pedophelia, lies, Porn, Masturbation, Spiritual blindness, and deafness, Lukewarmness, And Doubt, Anger and Hate towards people if they want to correct me, Laziness, Adultery, I believe i have Anxiety, and Distractions, And Pray please for me that i receive the Good fruits of the Spirit in truth!, and to receive a rapture Dream if it’s God will.

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