Prayer For Unspoken Request

Father, this day I lift up this prayer for unspoken request on behalf of individuals and families. Each person, with a heavy heart and a pressing need. 

Everyone who is struggling to articulate their pains, either because of the weight it carries, or because of shame or regret. Lord Jesus, I pray for those with a heavy weight of sorrow longing for your peace and comfort in their lives.

Omniscient God, nothing is hidden from your sight. You know our deepest needs even before we pray for them. You said we should ask, and Father, right now, we are asking. 

Lord, hear these groans of your people as they cry out day and night without respite. Help them with the enablement to “cast all their cares” upon you, Lord, their sorrow, longing or  worry at your feet. May they come to know that you care for them, and that you’re more than willing to grant their unspoken requests.

As they struggle with their unspoken prayer, Lord free every burdened heart, and instead feel them with faith and peace that comes from the assurance of your intervention. Let everyone who has an unspoken request or is praying with others who have the same, either in private or in the open, be blessed for respecting and understanding the meaning of the undetailed prayer requests. 

Lord, replace their fears and uncertainty with confidence and rest in the ability of the Holy Spirit to understand and communicate every groaning even when they don’t know how to put them to words. 

Let this peace that passes all understanding rest on them, and Lord, free every burdened heart from the weights under which they moan.

I pray for both the intercessors and prayer warriors, as well as anyone with unspoken prayer requests. That they will pray with discernment. They’ll know how to lay their hearts bare before you, and to also show compassion for those with lives behind walls of fear

Lord, stretch forth your hand to preserve every vulnerability, and every sin-sick soul restore

As you relieve the burdened heart, heal every wounded soul, so that we might all come together in the unity of faith as you designed for the Body of Christ to be. Let us all play our roles in helping our brothers and sisters stand stronger in the faith no matter the pressures they’re faced with.

Let no judgement or condemnation find its way into our hearts. Instead, let us always be reminded that the throne of grace includes both mercy and grace for everyone who will come. Therefore, as we come in unspoken prayer, Lord, hear these groans, and free every burdened heart.

We are grateful for your love and assured that as we pray, you will both hear and answer. Be glorified, Father, in Jesus’s name, Amen.

Leading others to pray a prayer for unspoken request

The Word of the Lord says in 2Chronicles 7:14,

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

And also in Hebrews 4:16,

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Having seen these from God’s word, we have the assurance that we can come boldly with hearts laid bare before God, with complete dependence on His mercy and grace to aid us as individuals and as a people no matter where we are or what part of the world we hail from.

Let us therefore first thank God for His abundant mercy and available graces to us, His own elect, all over the world. 

Pray that the Lord will heal the sin-sick soul, and bring relief to those who have had to cope with endless struggles all this time in their lives.

Pray that God’s counsel of righteousness, peace, and the joy of the Holy Ghost will prosper in every burden in life or family. Ask that He will deliver His people from the hands of wicked and unreasonable men, both those in power, terrorist organisations, secret societies and occult groups.

Let the lives of our brothers and sisters be characterised by notable manifestations of light and miracles, so that all the glory may be to the Lord for answering our prayer for unspoken request.


Let us pray with you

We at Operando are passionate about standing in the gap for everyone of God’s people. We encourage you to share your prayer request with us below. 

With a diligent and compassionate force of volunteers and site visitors who will join their faith with you and pray earnestly until your miracle comes, there is no doubt that you will see the hand of God in your situation.

Go ahead and share your prayers here.

5 responses to “Prayer For Unspoken Request”

  1. LaLa Avatar

    I lost my job over the holidays and not happy about it. I really work. I live in Arizona by myself and not from here. I never thought I would be here and really God did not give on me. I do not want to be homeless and have bills to pay. I have had job interviews but these jobs will not hire to start until after the holidays mid January. If you can help promote my gofundme that will be helpful please. Please pray me I will be okay, my mind, and my relationship with God.

  2. RP Avatar

    Received a notice at work today for Professional Misconduct and another coworker who is a Christian too for a meeting on Friday. We do not know what it is about. Prayers for deliverance for it to be dismissed and peace at work .

  3. Margaret Lawson Avatar
    Margaret Lawson

    Please Father God forgive me Margaret Lawson and Willie Richie for our sins. Please Father God Bless us with your Grace Goodness Mercy and Protection. Please Father God show us your will for our lives and future. Please Father God Enlarge our Coasts and Territories. IN JESUS HOLY NAME WE PRAY ASK ans RECEIVE….AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!

  4. Julie Patricia Castel Avatar
    Julie Patricia Castel

    😭🙏🤰🤱👶🤞My name is Julie castel I’m desperately seeking for God’s powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance healing hands upon my WOMB my eggs my ovaries my entire body to finally be blessed to conceive my husband Vladimir jarrin our first child together I’m desperately seeking for God to cleans my entire body for god to allowed me to carry a full term nine month healthy successful growing baby inside my stomach with good health and a healthy successful safe delivery please pray for my husband and I to finally be blessed with our MIRACLE news for god to place his powerful miracle blessings hands upon my pregnancy tests results to permanently say pregnant postive 😭🙏🤰🤱👶🤞 we both wants to be parents together and extend our family I’m desperately seeking for God’s mercy and grace upon my pregnancy journey for god to allowed my prayers to finally be heard in heaven for this new year of 2024 🙏 😭 for a powerful miracle brokethrough I’m desperately seeking for God to open the doors wide for my husband and I to have our dreams come true for god to rebuke and remove all complications all sit backs all interpretation blocklish during my pregnancy journey’s I’m desperately seeking for God to advocate for my husband Vladimir jarrin and I in heaven 🙏 🙏😭🤰🤱👶🤞to start building our family

  5. Julie Patricia Castel Avatar
    Julie Patricia Castel

    🤞🙏😭🔑🏢🤞I’m desperately seeking for a powerful MIRACLE BROKETHROUGH blessings immediately for god to permanently open the doors wide for my daughter alexsina Castel and I to moved into a brand new apartment and location for god to send the right REALTORS AGENTS and LANDLORDS WHO ACCEPT CITYFEPS VOUCHERS PROGRAMS to approved my applications for a TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT BUILDING with in this month of NOVEMBER OR DECEMBER 1ST I’m desperately seeking for God to place his powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance hands upon a BRAND NEW APARTMENT for my daughter and I to moved into without any complications interpretation blocklish during my apartment journey’s to finally have my keys 🔑 🏢🙏😭🤞 for god to ANSWER MY PRAYER REQUESTS for a powerful MIRACLE BROKETHROUGH deliverance for god to permanently APPROVAL MY REQUEST 🙏😭😭😭

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