Morning Prayer for Today – Sustained By Your Mercy

Heavenly Father,

I worship and honor you for being such a loving and faithful Father to my family and me.…

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A Prayer for Relief

Dear God, from Whom all good things come,

You are the author of and provider of our lives. We believe …

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Morning Prayer for Today – Revive My Prayer Life

Almighty God, 

Who is like you in Heaven and on Earth?

You are the only one worthy of being called …

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Morning Prayer for Today – You Are Enough For Me

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your goodness and mercy toward me.

Every day you lavish your love on me even …

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How to Stop Porn Addiction as a Christian and Find Peace in God’s Grace

You might be wondering how to stop porn addiction as a Christian? It’s a question that many believers face but …

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Morning Prayer for Today – Praying For Missionaries

Dear Lord,

I worship you because you are a great God, and no one is like you. You are the …

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Short Prayer For Good Health

In this prayer for good health, surrender yourself to the Lord and ask for help for those who are facing

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Morning Prayer for Today – Set My Heart On Fire

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for another beautiful moment to spend in prayer with you. I am giving you all my …

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In His Image By Jen Wilkin [Book Review]

You’ve probably heard of Jen Wilkin if you’re familiar with Bible studies or Christian books.

She’s been teaching women how …

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Morning Prayer for Today – May They Not Be Lost


You are a loving and amazing Father. The love you lavish on me is more excellent than words can …

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10 ‘Follow Your Heart Quotes’: Your Heart Knows What’s Best For You

In my daily interactions, I encounter people with beautiful dreams for their lives.

Unfortunately, many do not reach their full …

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Morning Prayer for Today – Come To My Aid

Father God,

I give you the glory for your goodness and compassion that never fails me.

Thank you for providing …

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Morning Prayer for Today – I Am A Child Of Light

My Dearest Father,

I am a living witness to your faithfulness and goodness. Indeed, your love is forever loyal.

Father, …

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Morning Prayer for Today – I Pray For My Home

My Dear Jesus,

I thank you, Lord God, for your blessings in my life.

I am grateful for the precious …

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The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness by Timothy Keller [Book Review]

You may already be familiar with Timothy Keller’s work. Known for his clear, thoughtful approach to Christianity, his books reach …

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Morning Prayer for Today – Fit For The Fight

Father God, 

I thank you for always giving me victory in the different battles that arise in my life.

Lord, …

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What Biblical Character Are You Most Like? Bible Personality Quiz

Have you ever wondered which figure from the Bible reflects your personality and traits? Take this short Bible Personality quiz …

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10 Powerful Addiction Prayer Examples for Recovery and Renewal

Recovery from addiction is a long, challenging road, and addiction prayer can be a vital tool during this process. You …

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Morning Prayer for Today – You Will Deliver Me

I worship you, Heavenly Father, for you are the Almighty God, my Source and Protector.

It is a great privilege …

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Prayer For My Country

My father,

You created this wonderful, diverse, rich, and fertile land and dedicated it to me for my earthly home. …

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Morning Prayer for Today – Make Us Of The Same Mind

Father God,

Your earnest desire is to see your children grow into maturity in Christ as we steadily walk in …

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Hate in My Heart: How Faith Leads to Healing and Forgiveness

Hate can sit quietly in your heart, often without you even realizing its weight. It’s a strong emotion that eats …

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Morning Prayer for Today – A Heart Of Compassion

Dearest Heavenly Father,

I am most grateful for your blessing to me every day. Thank you for your unconditional love …

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