Prayer For My Country

My father,

You created this wonderful, diverse, rich, and fertile land and dedicated it to me for my earthly home. Thank you for my country!

Lord, as deeply as I feel sorry for the division among the people, I ask you to unite us and teach us to live with each other without hatred and resentment.

Father, I live in a country whose wounds are still bleeding. We carry with us the traumas of the past that still strongly pave the way we walk. Please show us how to heal these wounds so we do not pass them on to the next generations. 

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May Your Spirit and Your Love flow from them as they flowed from the wounds of Your pierced body on the cross.

I ask you for reconciliation between these people, with everything that happened in the past and what is happening today. We need it, Father, for without it, we will be left unhappy, bitter, and separated from one another.

Father, I ask you to be with our leaders, with all of our leaders, regardless of their beliefs, political affiliation, or whether I agree with their work.

Give me confidence in your wisdom and prudence, especially when I doubt the path this country is walking. Everything is under your control; I have no reason to worry; all of the good this country does, you sanctify and ennoble, and you transform all of its mistakes and teach us important life lessons from them. So it is today, and so it has always been.

Lord, I ask you for all of the people who have ever lived off of this land, for our forefathers and great-grandmothers, especially those who died unhappy, sick, wounded, and afflicted.

There have been many trials, but thank you for them, for in the fruits of that pain, we can live today, feel safe, and have opportunities that our ancestors never had.

Send down the Holy Spirit so that we can recognize your vision for our homeland. Moreover, let us be able to accept and realize your vision—all together, united, as brothers and sisters in You.

And finally, Lord, may this prayer also reach all future generations. They will reap what we sow today. May they reap prosperity, peace, unity, reconciliation, and love!


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