Morning Prayer for Today – Revive My Prayer Life

Almighty God, 

Who is like you in Heaven and on Earth?

You are the only one worthy of being called God, and I worship you as your child and your humble servant with love and reverence.

Thank you for everything you do for me daily. I cannot thank you enough.

Lord, give me the strength to always seek and trust you through consistent prayers.

I am reading your word in Exodus 17:8-13:

In those days, Amalek came and waged war against Israel.

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Moses, therefore, said to Joshua, “Pick out certain men, and tomorrow go out and engage Amalek in battle.

I will be standing on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand.”

So Joshua did as Moses told him: he engaged Amalek in battle after Moses had climbed to the top of the hill with Aaron and Hur.

As long as Moses kept his hands raised up, Israel had the better of the fight, but when he let his hands rest, Amalek had the better of the fight.

Moses’ hands, however, grew tired; so they put a rock in place for him to sit on.

Meanwhile, Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other, so that his hands remained steady till sunset.

And Joshua mowed down Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.

Lord, you used Aaron and Hur to strengthen the hands of Moses upon the mountain so that the army would keep winning. 

Please, strengthen also my hands and knees in prayers.

I know there are significant results both in the spiritual and physical realm when I pray.

In Luke 18:1-8, I am reading:

Jesus told his disciples a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary.

He said, “There was a judge in a certain town who neither feared God nor respected any human being.

And a widow in that town used to come to him and say, ‘Render a just decision for me against my adversary.’

For a long time the judge was unwilling, but eventually he thought, ‘While it is true that I neither fear God nor respect any human being, 

because this widow keeps bothering me, I shall deliver a just decision for her lest she finally come and strike me.'”

The Lord said, “Pay attention to what the dishonest judge says. Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night?

Will he be slow to answer them? I tell you, he will see to it that justice is done for them speedily.

But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on Earth?” 

Lord, don’t let me stop praying. Give me new strength when I feel too weak or indifferent towards prayer.

I will pray concerning everything. I will pray for friends and families. 

I will pray for the church and the saints. I will pray for sinners and the oppressed. 

I know you always hear me, Lord. You will answer me when I pray.

Let all the glory rise to you, and you alone, Father.

In Jesus’ name, I pray.


8 responses to “Morning Prayer for Today – Revive My Prayer Life”

  1. Judy Heinz Avatar
    Judy Heinz


  2. Tomas Avatar

    Ammendment thank you Jesus Christ…

  3. George okeeffe Avatar
    George okeeffe


  4. Sean Traves Avatar
    Sean Traves


  5. Kimberly Barber Avatar
    Kimberly Barber


  6. Judy Heinz Avatar
    Judy Heinz

    Thank you Lord, Amen.

  7. George okeeffe Avatar
    George okeeffe

    Amen ❤️

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