Do You Have a Supernatural Prayer Request?

Many times when God does a miracle in your life, He does it in such a way that everyone may find it difficult to wrap their minds around it. Such events are called supernatural miracles. They are God’s answers to the supernatural prayer request of His children.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.

Ephesians 3:20

It is impossible for the human mind to explain or understand the power of God. He can do more than our wildest imaginations. He can heal a disease which the doctors have no cure for. 

He can bring back to life a person already certified dead. He can provide needs supernaturally. He can supply supernatural intelligence for maximum results, and so on. Why, because He is a supernatural God.

Trust God with your supernatural prayer request

You can believe God for anything and everything that you need according to His will for you. God is not short of supply, and does not break a sweat to meet our needs. You don’t have to be afraid or hold back regarding that seemingly impossible situation. If you need it, He can do it.

As it is written: “I have made you a father of many nations.” He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not. – Romans 4:17 (NIV)

Even things that are not in existence will come to pass when we ask God for them in faith. Yes, and all you need is faith in His ability.

Sharing a supernatural prayer request

Do you need supernatural intervention in your life but don’t know how to ask it? Here are a few steps to take and a sample prayer that you might find helpful.

  1. Believe in God’s supernatural ability

You cannot expect what you do not believe will come. So, in order for you to receive the answers, you have to first believe that God can do what you are asking Him to do as you pray about them.

  1. Share with a friend who can believe God with you

Through partnership, you can strengthen your faith. This is why if you are believing in God for something supernatural, you should only share that request with someone who can do likewise. If not, they may discourage your faith instead.

  1. Share with a prayer network in your local church or Christian site like Operando

Each prayer request shared with us will receive immediate attention. As we unite together to pray for your request, all of our faith comes together as one strong force before God for a supernatural miracle in your life.

Here’s a sample of a supernatural prayer request:

I need a supernatural miracle right now over my husband. For the past five years now, he has been totally different and uncaring towards me. I need God to turn his heart around towards me, and let him love me more than ever before. Let me be a better partner, and let our marriage become as blissful as God wants it to be. I don’t want to lose him nor my home.

Let us pray with you

We would like to pray with you over that need in your life. 

When you share your prayer request here, our volunteers as well as hundreds of site visitors from all over the world will join their faith with you in prayers for as long as possible. All prayers are treated with respect and love, and there are no charges involved. 

Feel free to share your prayer here and expect a miracle in your life.

3 responses to “Do You Have a Supernatural Prayer Request?”

  1. Raymond Elijah Griffin Avatar
    Raymond Elijah Griffin

    Please pray for me Raymond Elijah Griffin and lynwood priester from edgefield sc USA asking for prayers for protection against witchcraft and lack of money please pray for our health please pray for us for 40 Days please pray I stop struggling every month please pray lynwood stop drugs and his cyst on his wrist high blood pressure legs lungs etc please pray for my eyes and throat and heart lungs and stomach and vertigo hips back etc please pray 🙏

  2. george Avatar

    Dear Brother/ Sister,
    Prayer request for my mother Mrs.Gracy George aged 75 yrs for heart, kidney liver gall bladder ailments
    kindly pray for healing

  3. Saira Avatar

    My name is Saira, I am suffering from black magic for some time, please pray for me that I will recover soon and many problems are coming in my marriage. Those who are not satisfied, pray that they all agree and get married soon

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