Morning Prayer for Today – Use Me As Your Vessel

Precious Lord,

You have saved my soul through your love and mercy.

Knowing that you love and live in me keeps me going, no matter what I face daily.

As I step out to carry out my engagements, I offer myself to you, Jesus. Use me as your vessel to be a blessing to someone.

Your word says in Acts 10:38:

You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power,

And how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.

Father God, let me put on Christ Jesus like a garment and let everyone see Jesus more than they see me when I go out.

Lord Jesus, take my feet and lead me to someone having a hard time and needing to feel your love.

Take my hands, anoint them, use me to heal the sick, and set captives free. Let everything I touch come alive.

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Take my mind, Holy Spirit. Please give me a sound mind full of solutions and innovative ideas for my specialty area.

Lord, I know that you want to touch lives all around me. Therefore, I surrender myself to you as your vessel.

Fill my heart with the joy of knowing that I am a blessing to every person you allow me to meet.

In Jesus’ name, I pray.


18 responses to “Morning Prayer for Today – Use Me As Your Vessel”

  1. Sandy Avatar
  2. Shelly Avatar

    Nor seening the daily prayers

    1. Operando Avatar

      Dear Shelly, daily prayers are still there. Click a play button and you will listen to it with a calming music and a soothing voice. Many people say it helps them contemplate a Word better this way.

      1. Bryan Green Avatar
        Bryan Green

        Is it a way we can option to read them like we had in the past?

        1. Operando Avatar

          Some prayers contain only video, some of them both, and then some only text. It is the way we created it, so you can experience prayer from multiple angles. Let’s trust the Lord and seek Him in whatever media He is presented.

    2. Theresa Avatar


  3. Judy Heinz Avatar
    Judy Heinz


  4. George okeeffe Avatar
    George okeeffe

    Amen. Thank you for the prayers each and every day let the light shine strong.

  5. Sean Traves Avatar
    Sean Traves


  6. Judy Heinz Avatar
    Judy Heinz

    Thank you Lord.

  7. Judy Heinz Avatar
    Judy Heinz

    Lead me Lord.

  8. Kimberly Barber Avatar
    Kimberly Barber


  9. Toni Avatar
  10. John Avatar

    Amen my Lord Jesus Praise Your Holy Name

  11. Robert Bourgeois Avatar
    Robert Bourgeois

    You can lose your train of thought and Devotion waiting for the Next line To Appear On The Video? Reading The Prayer with out that interruption is Vital In Concentration to Praying. Praying Through readings Were here Way Before Media. I will trust The Lord By His Word, in thought and Prayer through reading, not, anticipation for the Convienance of Media Usage. Do we Go To Church To Watch Videos? or Celebrate The Ceremony Of Christ In Prayer & Song?

  12. George Avatar


  13. Kevin Avatar


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