Powerful God,
Your Word says in Ecclesiastes 8:4:
Since the Word of the king is authoritative, who will say to him, “What are you doing?”
Lord, my God. You are the King above all kings and the Lord of all lords. No man can question Your authority.
You reign in absolute sovereignty, and Your dominion knows no end. No power in heaven, on earth, or beneath the earth can stand against You. When You speak, creation obeys. When You decree, it is established. Your Word does not return void, but it accomplishes all that You have purposed.
When You deal with us, You deal justly, and Your judgments are righteous and perfect. Your wisdom is beyond human understanding, and Your ways are higher than our ways.
Your justice is unshakable, and Your truth endures forever. You are a God who defends the weak, upholds the righteous, and brings down the plans of the wicked.
I pray that Your power will shut down any onslaught against Your work in my life and those around me.
Every scheme of the enemy, every plot of darkness, every weapon formed against us shall not prosper.
Lord, You have promised to be our shield and defender. Surround me and those who belong to You with Your divine protection.
Let the plans of the adversary be exposed and rendered powerless. Let Your angels encamp around us and fight on our behalf.
Father, You have begun a good work in me, and what You have started, You will complete.
Your hand is mighty, and Your faithfulness is unchanging.
The enemy may try to discourage, delay, or destroy, but he will fail because Your power is greater. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, and nothing can stop what You have ordained for my life.
I pray that by Your power, let any situation that questions Your hand or Your promises upon my life be dealt with and taken out of the way in Jesus’ name.
Every obstacle, every hindrance, every voice of doubt—let it be silenced.
Every lie of the enemy, every deception that seeks to shake my faith—let it be exposed and cast down.
Lord, arise and show Yourself strong. Prove that You are the God who keeps His promises, who never fails, and who remains true from generation to generation.
I pray from Psalms 7:6-8:
Arise, Lord, in Your anger; raise Yourself against the rage of my enemies, and stir Yourself for me; You have ordered judgment.
Let the assembly of the peoples encompass You, and return on high over it. The Lord judges the peoples;
Vindicate me, Lord, according to my righteousness and my integrity that is in me.
Lord, I am also praying for believers who are facing threats by the enemy. So many of Your children are under attack—spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally.
The enemy prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, but we stand firm on Your Word that says no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
Please arise on their behalf and give them victory. Strengthen those who feel weak. Encourage those who feel discouraged. Deliver those who are trapped in battles they cannot fight alone.
Father, please arise and grant deliverance for those accused wrongly, having court cases and evacuation notices, or any other troubling situation.
You are the Righteous Judge, the Advocate who defends His people. Let justice prevail. Let the innocent be vindicated. Let the oppressed find relief. Let those who have been falsely accused be set free by Your divine intervention.
Open doors where doors have been shut. Make a way where there seems to be no way.
Be their defence, oh Lord. Be the rock on which they stand. Let the people of the earth know that You are God, and You rule in the affairs of men.
No human authority, no earthly system, no force of darkness can overturn Your will. Let those who doubt see Your hand at work. Let those who mock be silenced by the evidence of Your power. Let those who oppose You bow before Your majesty.
Let Your name forever be glorified. In every situation, in every battle, in every triumph, let Your name be exalted.
Let the testimony of Your goodness be proclaimed throughout the nations.
Let Your kingdom advance, and let Your people walk in the victory that has already been won through Jesus Christ.
In Jesus’ name, I pray.
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