Prayer For Patience

“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint”

Isaiah 40:31

Almighty Father,

Thank You for Your patience. There are times in my life that I feel that I don’t make You happy. I commit sin, I turn a blind eye and I forget to keep the commandments. Yet despite all that, I still see Your loving hands surrounding me, telling me that You will still love me despite my flaws.

Help me Lord. Help me become as loving and as patient as You are to others. Help me become more patient to life, to others and to myself.


Father, life has been testing me. It seems that life is always in a hurry and I am burdened by just keeping up with it. At times I forget that not everything is within my control. Teach me Your ways Oh Lord, that I may see life through Your eyes.

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For now, all I see in life has been dragging me, testing my patience. Give me a humble heart. Teach me to go through life with the understanding that time flows according to Your will and not mine. How can I be patient? How can I have a heart that understands that life?


Father, people around me have been difficult to bear. There are times other people’s choices negatively affect me. Teach me empathy, Lord, so I can understand them and see them through Your eyes so that I can be more patient with them.

For now, there are people who get the best of me. I feel frustrated and defeated by other people’s decisions and choices. Remove the selfishness in my heart so that I can listen more to what they are really feeling and saying. How can I be patient? How can I have a heart that can empathize with your people?


Father, sometimes I feel like I burned myself with overthinking. I tend to demand too much for solutions to my problems, not seeing the bigger picture that You have for me. Teach me to have patience to sail through time, confident that though things may be confusing today, everything according to Your will.

For now, my demands for myself can be overwhelming. And though I know You are there, I torture my thoughts with demands beyond with what I can do. Teach me patience towards myself, that like other things, I am full of potential, but still limited. How can I have a heart that can truly appreciate the journey of myself?

 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God

Philippians 4:6

Lord, grant me patience to wait for Your response, keep my heart still and bless me with hope. Make me Your instrument so that through me, Your patience may be shown to others and Your love will be known to the world. Help me, Lord. So that I will become as loving and as patient You to others, to myself and to life.


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