Morning Prayer for Today – Bless Our Nation
Lord God,
You have said that each of your children all around the world is a light bringing your glory …
Lord God,
You have said that each of your children all around the world is a light bringing your glory …
Holy Spirit, thank you for everything you do for me.
Thank you for always working behind the scenes of my …
Lord Jesus,
I lay my heart before you in complete dependence and trust like a sheep to its Shepherd.
Without …
Lord Jesus,
Every storm calms down before you because you are the Prince of Peace and the Rose of Sharon.…
Dear Father,
I glorify your holy name. In your faithfulness, you continue to display your power in my daily life.…
Heavenly Father,
I worship your holy name.
You are excellent, kind, and compassionate in everything you do. There is no …
Holy Spirit,
Today, as I pray with open hands and heart, I ask for your strength.
I only sometimes feel …
Lord Jesus,
Thank you for the joy of salvation; for righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Thank you …
Lord Jesus,
You have said that you are the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in you receives life, and …
You are worthy of being praised, Heavenly Father.
You look beyond my shortcomings and allow me to stand again by …
Dear God,
When I question why you aren’t answering my prayers or why a miracle is yet to come, I …
Dear Father,
You made the marriage relationship a symbol of your bond with your people, a lifelong connection filled with …
Heavenly Father,
I worship and bless your holy name because you are the true and living God.
You continue to …
Dearest Father,
Thank you for the gift of life to my loved ones and me again today.
You are constantly …
Heavenly Father,
I worship you for all that you are and for everything you do for my family and me. …
Father God,
I praise you for the eternal comfort and hope I have in Christ, a precious and priceless gift …
Father God,
I exalt your great name with the breath of life you have given me.
I affirm once more …
Almighty God,
Thank you for another brand new day. I worship you for your great faithfulness towards me every day.…
I worship you, my dear Father.
I am amazed at how you remain true to me, standing by me and …
Father God,
Your love and kindness amaze me. Thank you for the blessing of life.
Thank you for providing all …
Father God, thank you for the blessing of life each day.
I join the host of angels to say, “Holy, …
Heavenly Father,
You are so good to me. Your love, wisdom, and kindness to me and my family are excellent.…
Loving Father,
I adore you. I give you the glory for all you are to me – Father, God, King, …
Heavenly Father,
I worship and honor you for being such a loving and faithful Father to my family and me.…