A Reliable Guidepost Prayer Request Alternative

At Operando, our belief in the power of prayer helps us to offer prayer support to all who may share their prayer request with us. Like the popular Guidepost prayer request site, you can also submit a prayer request here and it will be prayed upon by a vibrant prayer community.

A guidepost prayer request

The Guidepost as a nonprofit Christian organisation has an active arm called OurPrayer Ministry. This ministry is dedicated to spreading hope and encouragement to men and women all around the world who are going through one trial or the other.

The OurPrayer community is a vibrant network of faith-filled believers from different parts of the world. 

Whether you’re a person who is requesting prayer or you desire to offer prayer support, the entire OurPrayer community supports every prayer that is shared on the Guidepost prayer request page with faith and encouragement.

Why we are a great alternative

Jesus said in Matthew 18:19-20, 

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

And in Acts 12, we see the power of a united prayer force when the church community prayed for Peter’s release from prison and ultimate deliverance from the hand of king Herod.

The Bible says about how they prayed for Peter, that,

Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing the church unto God for him.

Acts 12:5

There is great strength in numbers when we pray over any prayer request. Each person’s faith combines with yours to form a powerful voice that ascends before God.

Similar to a Guidepost prayer request page, you can share your personal prayer request on our website as well. We believe that there is no barrier to the move of God, and that He can reach you no matter where you are as we pray with you continuously.

Submit Your Prayer Request

Your prayer concerns are important to us at Operando. When you share your prayer request with us, your email address will not be shared with anyone because we respect you.

Furthermore, our vibrant network of prayer volunteers and hundreds of site visitors will dive into action praying over your request in faith for as long as possible. And we believe that you will receive your answers to your prayers.

Post your request here.

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