A Prayer For My Son

As parents, there may be times in our son’s life that are beyond our control. We feel that as he grows old, we can only do so much. He will eventually make his own decisions and explore the world. May this prayer, “A Prayer for my Son”, help you.

Prayer for My Son

Almighty Father. Thank You for giving my son to me. I am forever thankful that in this lifetime, you gave me a chance and the gift to be a parent to this wonderful human being. Today, I offer this prayer for my son, so that he will grow to love You more each day of his life.

I pray O Lord that Your wisdom will find him in whatever activity task he will do. Grant him the clarity of thought so that he will be able to distinguish right from wrong. Send forth Your Holy Spirit so that He will be able to make decisions that will please You.

The world can be an overwhelming place, O Lord. There will be many difficulties he will face. I pray that He will have the courage to survive the pain of sacrifices that are necessary.

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Grant that he may see the value of sacrifice Jesus Christ taught us, let him understand that the road towards You will not be easy but will be worth it.

I pray that in whatever he lacks, he will meet the right people to guide him back to You. I pray that he will treat his friends, loved ones, colleagues, and even strangers with the kind of respect Jesus showed his mother and his disciples.

Bless him Jesus, make him see your light through other people, and shine Your light through him so that he will also be able to guide other people back to You as well.

Protect him, O Lord. There are many bad influences in society, like in television, in music, in games, online, and other venues I may not know about.

There are many things beyond our control and the evil entities are present in almost everything. Help my son, O Lord and that the attempts of evil to influence him will be known to him and will be rejected by him.

Lord, I pray for his success. More than earthly success, I pray that He may be successful in Your eyes. May your saints and angels help him build the talents that You gave him.

I pray that he will be able to maximize the gifts he was given and spread your light throughout the world. So that he will find his place in this world.

Lord, may he have the strength of heart to respond to your calling. Like Mama Mary, who was confused but accepted when the Angel asked her to be the bearer of God’s Son, help my son surrender in faith, even for decisions beyond his understanding.

Help me, O Lord. Make me your instrument. Give me wisdom so that I may be able to strengthen his character, make him appreciate the values of our faith, and make him a man that will serve You and Your people.

And most of all, through this prayer for my son, help me teach my son how to love You. Teach me the right words and deeds so that I will be able to guide him back to You.

Lord, prepare me for this journey. My son is a gift You have given me and the person he becomes is my gift to You.

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