3 Surefire Ways to Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 

1 Peter 4:10

Have you ever felt that you are good at nothing? Have you ever felt directionless? You are not alone.

Every one of us looks for the God-given gift that will give us a purpose. Sometimes this is an easy task. For others, it is about as easy as finding a needle in a haystack. You might imagine that once you discover your gift, it will be a wonderful experience.

What is a Spiritual Gift? 

A spiritual gift is a trait or an ability that God has chosen for you. He gives you gifts to help you and His church grow. Spiritual gifts come in different forms.

These can be leadership, faith, prophecy, serving, exhortation, giving, mercy, discernment, healing, knowledge, physical prowess, empathy, public speaking, musical ability, and many more.

You might be a good listener or a supportive friend. You might have a calling to volunteer at an after-school program or work with prisoners. Maybe you’re a natural at basketball, and you end up being an influential coach. Maybe you’re not good at any of these things, and you’re struggling to find your place.

If you are worried that you are not good at one thing, try something else! Moses himself delegated public speaking to his brother Aaron because he (Moses) was a poor speaker. We are all created differently and for different purposes.

Let me help you with ways to find your gifts. Here are three steps you can take:

1. Prayer of Discernment

The simplest and easiest way to find your spiritual gift is to ask God Himself. Give yourself a few minutes each day to offer a short prayer of discernment to know what your gifts are. You may not receive an answer immediately or directly, but it will come.

You can also ask for the answer to be revealed in a way that you can understand.

Let me share my story on how I discovered my gifts. I envied my peers’ talents back when I was in high school. They could play instruments, they were athletic, and they were good leaders.                

When I got older, I asked God, “What do you want me to be?” I did not get an instant answer. But as the days went by, the Lord made me realize the answer. You see, yours truly loves to study history, and I had neglected it as a potential gift.

That was when a bright idea popped inside my mind. My gift is my love for history, and I use it through my writing to spread the truth about Christian history from the time of Christ to the modern age.

A great number of people have misconceptions about our great history. So, I use my talents to teach the truth for the glory of the Lord. 

2. What Are Your Passions?

What activities make you happy? What makes you dream? When you find the answer to these questions, you are on your way to finding your gifts.

Be careful, though. Sometimes we dream big about certain things but end up disappointed. It’s wise to keep your expectations realistic and grounded. Maybe you won’t necessarily become a rock star, but if you’re a good singer, you might give music lessons or sing in the church choir. The important thing is to look for what God wants, and He’ll let you know how best to use your gifts.  

3. Try New Things

One of the most effective ways to discover your talents or gifts is to experiment with different activities. Try learning a musical instrument, volunteer with a religious organization, or join a sports club. If you’re not sure, try anything within reason. 

Also, do not limit yourself to just one talent. You may not know it yet, but you may be blessed with more than one gift.

I’ve Found My Gift. Now What?

Once you find your answer, it is time to hone and use it. Not using your talents is a violation or a disrespect toward God. Remember the man who was given one talent in the Parable of the Talents?

You know, the one who did not invest his talent but hid it and got reprimanded instead. Do not be that guy. Make Papa God happy with his investments in you.  

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