A Prayer for Europe

Dear Father, this week after seeing so much suffering and casualties, You revealed to us how small, vulnerable and dependent on You we are.

We pray that in this situation we could reinforce our confidence in You and remain faithful, no matter the circumstances we are faced with.

We ask You to give our leaders wisdom and unity to make the right decisions and fulfill Your will. Above all, make them seekers of truth, justice and lasting peace.

Lord, send the Holy Spirit to all of us to be comforted and without fear. Give us the power to do good and be able to forgive.

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Lord, You encourage us to pray for our enemies. Therefore, we are praying: open their hearts and eyes to be able to see and love everything you love. To get aware of why You called them into life. Give them new hope and joy over life. Comfort their disappointed and depressed hearts.

We are asking this through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the patrons of Europe: Catherine of Sienna, Holy Brigitte of Sweden, the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, Holy Edith Stein and St. Benedict. Pray for us!


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