When I was a stranger

Prayer on the basis of passage: Matthew 25:35

I am a stranger, because I do not speak the language of the country in which I live, I am a stranger because I do not know the local habits, I am a stranger, because I am not familiar with this way of thinking…

Thousands of opportunities to feel excluded…

But the opposite is true… Thank You, Lord that I can quote your words: “And you welcomed me!” Through these words, You give me the change to feel acceptance, kindness, attention, affection.

Yesterday, we were waiting at the bus stop for the bus to Ciampino and wondered whether we were waiting on the right side of the street. Noticing our puzzled faces, a man, all by himself, approached us from sitting on a piazza on the other side of the street. Special thank for every step he took and for his kind words of reassuring us that we were at the right place. Bless him!

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Lord, give us the courage to always be ready to make the welcoming step towards people around us, accept them and see through the walls of culture, tradition, religion or language barriers in our heads.

Thank You for working – Operando.

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