What is my inner backpack Iike?

Prayer based on Romans 13,14 and Colossians 3,12

Once again its time for me to prepare a backpack for the trip. Traveling from the Ark community to Turin. At the same time, I got this thought, how full my ‘inner’ backpack would be. What am I taking with me? Is there anything superfluous inside or might everything that is stored, really come in handy?

Even if you’re not really preparing your backpack, I invite you to inspect together with the Lord, what is actually inside your ‘luggage’ and ‘equipment’ that you carry within you. Indeed, God invites you on a journey as well – this way or another.

Lord, send your Spirit and enlighten our interior, so we could clearly see what is being carried within ourselves.

What of it keeps me alive, happy, relaxed, fulfilled? What are the habits, feelings, thoughts that raise me up and support me at my every-days and my activities?

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Lord, I thank you for everything that makes me closer to You and connects me with You. Thank You to be able to keep this in my heart, in my body and in my life.

And Lord, what is it that does not fit me anymore? What is too large, too heavy, too narrow, too short and not customized to my spiritual body? Lord, I want to undress this stuff and lay it all before your feet.

Please, give me a new wardrobe. One that will protect me in the fight, decorate me and will make me feel good wearing it.

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