Prayer for a Quick Recovery

Everyone experiences different kinds of pain, whether it be a physical illness, mental anguish, or emotional wounds. Struggles and challenges can also vary from day to day. Dear siblings in Christ, here is a way to pray to ask the Lord for a quick recovery from whatever pains us.

Father, You are truly above all. No doctor or human medical wisdom can match the healing that leads to a quick recovery, which You give to Your children.

For that, I thank You for all the healing You have done in the past—both the healings that I received gratefully and the blessings You gave without me even knowing about them.

Now I humbly ask you, Lord, once again, to heal me and grant me a quick recovery from the pain that afflicts me today, for this pain hinders me from doing Your will and accomplishing my tasks.

Prayers That Move Mountains: Power Prayers That Bring Answers from Heaven
  • Eckhardt, John (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

For those close to me who are suffering, please reach out to them and comfort them, too. Heal them quickly from any physical pain or emotional wounds so that they may return to serving You as You have called them to do.

Please look at us all with Your eyes of mercy, as Your most holy Son looked at those He healed during his earthly ministry. 

All this I ask in the name of Your most holy Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

God bless us all.


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