Perfect Love Removes the Fear

Prayer based on 1 John 4, 6

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God does not wish us to retain our own feelings of fear within ourselves so that fear could paralyze us. There are always enough circumstances and opportunities to feel fear, we are all familiar with this. Jesus in Gethsemane is our good example in spiritual battle to overcome these feelings (Mt 26, 36-46). He sincerely confessed to the Father that he fears. We are invited to do so as well.

We often think that courage is the opposite of fear. But in reality, love is the opposite of fear.

We shall stop at this passage and allow the God to illuminate all those inner areas of life where we are faced with fears and anxieties. What is what really frightens us and keeps us in a crunch and though prevents us to live in freedom?

Let us give away all these circumstances to the Lord and allow His power to start acting inside us.

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Lord, my life is in Your hands, You know all my anxieties and fears. But You know the way out to overcome my stiffness.

Give me the love to overcome every temptation of fear and helplessness. Let me always win in the fight against fear. Preserve me close to Your heart, so I can source Your love and trust out of it.

Always remind me of Your struggle in Gethsemane and of how much You trembled for Your live. Then You defeated every obstacle, first in PRAYER, and then in real Calvary that gave us Your perfect love.

Thank You for this enormous gift!

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