Dear Lord,
Thank you for all the opportunities you have placed ahead of me today
I am reading Psalms 25:1-3:
To You, Lord, I lift up my soul. My God, in You I trust, do not let me be ashamed; do not let my enemies rejoice over me.
Indeed, none of those who wait for You will be ashamed; those who deal treacherously without cause will be ashamed.
Father, as I say these verses, I rekindle my unwavering trust in you concerning every decision and situation in life today.
I give up struggling to fix things on my own and surrender to you. Lord, please take control over those things that are beyond me.
I know you will never allow me to be ashamed because I trust you. I trust you to have the best plans for my life.
Lord, I do not know what lies ahead today, but you do, and I know you are with me.
I have steadfast confidence that You will walk with me through whatever I may face today.
I declare that an abundance of your blessing, favour, and breakthrough follows me today.
Thank you, Father.
In Jesus’ name, I pray.
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