Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank You for all the good things of life I have in you.
Your word says in Ephesians 1:3:
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.
Therefore, I pray today that my life will no longer be void of the Father’s blessings because you are in me, Lord.
Lord Jesus, I open my heart and pour out all the heaviness and burdens within me before you.
You said in Matthew 11:28:
Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Lord, these burdens are so tiring to bear, but I know I find my rest with you. Therefore, please take these burdens and give me your rest.
Fill my heart with your peace. Change the situations going on around me. Heal the sick, restore what has been lost, and touch the hearts of the stubborn.
Lord, please open the door of favour. Let the pressing needs not overwhelm me, but let your miracle of a provision be revealed in my life.
Let me rest in You alone and be refreshed so my heart may be free today.
I’m sticking with You, Lord, because You are my hope.
In your name, I pray.
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