Father God,
Thank you for your kindness and mercy that continue to surround me, taking care of me and providing all I need.
As I go about my daily engagements, I pray that your grace will speak for me on all sides.
I am contemplating your word in Job 22:28:
You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways.
You have given me the weapon of my mouth to create the experiences I hope to have. Therefore, I will speak life only.
I will not allow the things around me to make me complain or feel discouraged. Instead, I will use my mouth to say only what your word says concerning me.
And your word says in Psalms 16:6:
The measuring lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, my inheritance is beautiful to me.
Father, I agree with your word and speak it over myself and my business today.
I declare victory over every challenge or confrontation on my way. I declare victory over weakness and disease.
I declare success in my endeavours. No weapon of the enemy sent against my loved ones or me shall prosper.
I am a child of God, and this is my portion today and always.
In Jesus’ name, I pray.
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