Morning Prayer for Today – Help Me Let Go Of The Past

Loving Father,

I place my heart with its hurts and grievances into your hands and ask for your healing power to flow into me.

Lord, I am calling on you because you promised me I would find peace, mercy, and grace in your presence.

I am also reading from your word in Ephesians 4:

Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not make room for the devil. 

Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, 

And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.

Lord, I will not deny that when I think about the past and those who hurt me, I get bitter and want to get even.

I say I have forgiven and moved on, but I still refer to how they treated me and how bad I feel.

Father, I don’t want to continue living like this because you have made me for something greater.

Please turn my eyes and heart from both the offenses of the past and my offender. Help me genuinely forgive and wish them well.

Let my heart no longer hold them in contempt, giving the devil room to cause trouble in my life.

Please, Lord, help them realize and turn from their errors, so they don’t hurt others or themselves again.

I receive your healing today and choose to go live my best life, embracing everything you have for me in the present.

In Jesus’ name, I pray.


15 responses to “Morning Prayer for Today – Help Me Let Go Of The Past”

  1. Judy Heinz Avatar
    Judy Heinz


    1. Sergio C Hernandez Avatar
      Sergio C Hernandez


  2. Adrian Trabakino Avatar
    Adrian Trabakino


  3. Theresa Avatar


  4. George okeeffe Avatar
    George okeeffe


  5. Toni S. Avatar
    Toni S.


  6. Montoya Tatum Avatar
    Montoya Tatum


  7. Judy Heinz Avatar
    Judy Heinz

    Thank you Lord and Amen.

  8. Sean Avatar
  9. eoin okeeffe Avatar
    eoin okeeffe


  10. George Avatar


  11. Kimberly Barber Avatar
    Kimberly Barber

    AMEN!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!

  12. Kevin Avatar

    Amen lord

  13. George okeeffe Avatar
    George okeeffe

    Amen ❤️

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