Lord, Sow Your Seed in Me so that I May Bear Your Fruit


Please protect me from any rebellion against You and opposition to Your plans—even if they sometimes seem impossible or unattainable to me, when I look too much at my weaknesses and not at the talents and strengths you have given me. Give me more confidence that I can build a new life with You.

I ask for the realization that I will know when you want to use me and how, and when you want me to just observe and water your plans with my prayer.

Lord, grant that in moments like this I may be able to be silent before You and others. Protect me from grumbling and complaining about circumstances where I am not in the forefront or when I feel like nothing is happening, that I’m just on the sidelines. I trust your Spirit to use me, even if it’s in a different way than I expected.

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Lord, surround me with your peace so that I may see You and rest in You.

Thank you for strengthening me to be ready for plans in which I will be very active again. Let me fulfill Your will and do what You want. nothing more and nothing less.

Please create space and fertile soil in me so that you can sow seeds and create something new. Let me yield your fruit.


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