Lord, Dispel My Doubts And Fears

There are times when doubts can sneak into our hearts – doubts about yourself, your abilities, or even God.

We let ourselves be taken away by a conscious feeling of isolation and belief that one needs to do everything by oneself. At this very moment, we step on the slippery terrain, we begin to spin around and follow the fears that lead us ever more profound.

Jesus’ disciples had fallen into a vortex of uncertainty when they were left alone without Him. When He reappeared to them after the death, he said:

“Why are you so frightened? Why do you doubt? Look at my hands and my feet and see who I am! Touch me and find out for yourselves. Ghosts don’t have flesh and bones as you see I have.“ After Jesus said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. The disciples were so glad and amazed that they could not believe it. Jesus then asked them, “Do you have something to eat?” They gave him a piece of baked fish. He took it and ate it as they watched. (Luke 24.38-43)

Therefore, there is no reason for worries and doubts. Jesus is a living presence among us even today. With every Holy Mass, He is embodied from bread and wine, He is also present in the holiest Sacrament of the Altar. He stays with us, and we are still receiving His grace and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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By this PRAYER, you can dedicate all your feelings and moods to Jesus:

Dear Jesus, in my heart, I feel emptiness and loneliness. I want to be understood and accepted with what I am currently experiencing. Sometimes it seems to me that You also forgot about me.

I yearn for a meeting with You. I want to feel Your presence just as Your disciples could have felt it. Before You died, You promised that You’ll rise again. And You really did it!

You are here today, in the form of bread, and You’re telling me that You can be trusted entirely, and I can hand all of me over to You. You are encouraging me to dispel the doubts and concerns that interfere with my daily life.

I am handing You over all my loneliness, marginalization, things that I am holding in my heart for some time, and I’m afraid to admit them to myself and the others. Thank You for giving me this sacred time and space so that I can express what I feel.

Your merciful gaze is resting on me, inviting me to follow You into a new life. I accept what You want to give to me beyond what I can be aware of and beyond what is possible according to my criteria.

Thank You for always staying with me!


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