A Prayer for Pet Loss

Sometimes the loss of a pet can feel almost as devastating as the loss of a person. Let us thank God for all his creatures and the special place they hold in creation.

Dear God,

You created every living thing, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, and every creature that moves along the ground. You love all creatures, great and small. You sent a donkey to carry Mary to Bethlehem and allowed your son to be born in a stable with sheep and oxen.

You made us to have dominion over all the animals, but you also created them as companions. 

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Father, I thank You for giving this pet to me for the time I was able to take care of them. I believe that You brought them into my life to give me some of Your very best gifts, like friendship, comfort, and servitude, which means that you used them to show me Your love.

Through your love, they brought me companionship when I was lonely, comfort in times of sadness, and faithfulness and loyalty without conditions. Thank you for this special presence in my life.

Although they weren’t a person, I loved them just the same. Please comfort my heart and give me courage to face the loss of this treasured friend. 

Let me honor the unconditional love they gave me by bringing your love to others. Let me never put conditions on friendship and remember to love people as they are.

Luke 12:6 says, “not one of them is forgotten before God.” Thank you for receiving my beloved pet into your care and taking good care of them here on earth, as they took care of me.

Through the gift of this relationship, let me remember that every living creature is precious in the eyes of God.


2 responses to “A Prayer for Pet Loss”

  1. Den Avatar

    Thanks for this. Titus, my pet tarantula, passed away last night and this prayer really helped me.

    1. Mariah Gumpert Avatar
      Mariah Gumpert

      I am happy that it helped. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless you.

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