A Prayer for My Teenage Son

He’s growing up so fast, becoming more independent and strong-minded. You can’t keep constant tabs on him, and You barely know what he spends half of his time doing. Don’t worry! Every parent goes through this. You can’t watch over Your child forever—but God can. Here’s how You can pray for him as he goes through his teen years

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for my son. Thank You for entrusting him into my hands and those of my family. Thank You that all children are a gift from You, for a season and for Your purpose. Today, I want to thank You that You saw fit to send him to our family. Of all the people in the world, You chose to give him to us. 

Thank You for his life, for his health, for waking him up this morning. Thank You that You have allowed him a chance to live and see the beauty of this day. 

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for his purpose, his gifts, and what You have in mind for him. Thank You that before the foundations of the world were laid, You had him in mind. You knew him by name and have numbered every hair on his head. 

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Dear Lord, I pray that You will guide him, protect him, and keep him safe from the devil’s claws. Merciful Lord, keep him safe from any weapons fashioned against him. Let his life be safe from the plans and distractions of the Evil One.

I plead with You, merciful Savior, to enable him to walk in Your purpose. Let Your word may be a lamp for his feet and light upon his path. 

I pray that You would surround him with friends that protect him from harm. I pray that his friends may lead him closer to You. That they may be an influence for good and not evil. That they may not be drawn to drugs or misconduct. That they all together may live lives that praise You. 

Help my son to be honest. Help him choose the path of good, the path that is true. In all circumstances, let him choose to trust You always. 

Lord, I also ask that You protect my son from the idea that he must do anything in order to attain a “preferred” shape or look a certain way. I pray that You will protect my son from that kind of thinking, and that if he is tempted to take these measures, You send someone into his life to stop them. Help him remember his identity is not in how he looks on the outside, but in what You see—his worth on the inside.

Lord, I pray that You will create in my son a clean heart and that You would constantly renew a right spirit within him, keeping his thoughts and actions pure and motivated by love. Guard him against temptation, and let him know You are always faithful to give him a way out and endure. May the words of his mouth and the meditations of his heart always please You and edify others.


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