A Prayer For Judgment

In our lives, there are days when we are confused and indecisive. We are hesitant to move forward because we are fearful that we might make wrong decisions that could lead us to undesirable consequences. 

In times like these, remember you can always look up to God and say a prayer for judgment.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

James 1:5

Trust that you will overcome all the difficulties you are experiencing through prayer and discernment. 

Keep Your heart strong. Pray that the Holy Spirit will bless you with the gift of good judgment. 

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Offering the Prayer for Judgement

God Our Father,

 Today, I close my eyes and pray for Your love.

Let Your Holy Spirit come to me,

so that the right paths I shall see

For, I cannot find my way, I am lost

Uncertainties and worries cloud my thoughts

Open my eyes and bless my sight,

Cover me with Your love and light

A clear mind, Oh Lord, I ask,

Good judgment for every task

Bless me with the right heart

Help me Lord, where must I start?

There may be difficulties along the way

Clear my thoughts, that I may see Your ways

The road is dark and long,

Keep me in Your arms, Keep me Strong

Lord, In times of temptation, help me

In times of weakness, correct me

If I fall to sin, rescue me

Because only You can enlighten me

Prepare my heart to receive You, oh Lord

That my heart will cling to Your every word

And that even amidst this toughest shadows

The road to You, I still shall follow

Open my ears to the words of the wise,

Open my lips to give sound advice

And bless my mind with true peace

For only through You, I can live in pure bliss

Thank you for my life Oh Lord,

A thousand times, I have been blessed

This prayer for judgment today, I offer

So that I may live in Your light forever.


“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:2

Life can present us with many forks along our paths. We can get overwhelmed with confusion, fear, and worries

We are afraid that we could make decisions we will soon regret. In these crucial times, we need to pray harder to God, so that we may be redirected to the right path.

You are good to Your servant, O LORD, according to Your word. Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I believe in Your commandments.

Psalm 119: 65-66

God is always reaching out to us. We can always reach back. May this prayer for judgment, help you express your need for guidance in your discernment and in your life.

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