Prayer for Good Health

My Father, 

Many suffer from severe health conditions against their will.

I wish to pray for them so they may teach us to value our lives and every single moment we are alive while at the same time knowing we can rely on you and not be afraid.

Because if we are together, that in itself is enough! Cause You, my friend, are the source of happiness and well-being.

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At the same time, I wish to thank you for dying on the cross for us. You suffered the worst of predicaments for the sake of our eternal health; you showed support and solidarity with our pain. You give your love away for free; even though you know, most will turn you down. 

Indeed you know what sacrifice is.

Thank you so much for staying close to us day and night and not leaving our side, even after being healed. Please sanctify those who, despite their suffering, endure in faith so that it won’t be in vain. Once this passes, they will blossom.

Your word says:

“A cheerful heart makes good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones”

Proverbs 17:22

Thank You for reminding me of this every time we are together.

I may not suffer from physical health issues, but spiritually, I need a healer, and oh, I feel so much joy whenever You are there to heal my wounds. I think joy so much that I wouldn’t mind getting sick all over again just as an excuse for You to come and heal my heart and soul.

I love it when You forgive me, and I love it when You heal me, whether by cheering me up, correcting me, or comforting me. I truly wish to pray for those whose spirits have been broken due to their illness, for the spirit is the most essential part of the body. 

And when our time comes, when my time of physical illness comes,  I hope I can remember this prayer and smile because You will be there.


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