Dear Holy Spirit,
Thank you for your comfort and continual support. You are always here to guide, love and empower me forward.
Thank you for being my best friend and companion, even when no one else is there for me.
I ask for your empowerment to boldly embrace who you say I am and stand for it everywhere I go today.
Your word tells me in 2 Timothy 1:7:
For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.
Today, I declare that I have the Spirit of God residing inside of me. He is not the Spirit of fear, so I will not be afraid.
He is not a spirit that can be intimidated by anyone or anything, so I will not allow myself to be intimated.
Lord, renew my mind by your anointing and let me walk in the consciousness that you live in me and will protect me.
I break free from the power of fear that wants to keep me bound.
Let me manifest your light to everyone around me, inspiring them to be bold and embrace who you say they are.
In Jesus’ name, I pray.
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