Merciful Father,
In the morning, O Lord, I will direct my song and prayer unto You. I will continue to keep my gaze on you.
Each new day’s gift reminds you of your grace and a chance to witness Your everlasting love.
Thank You for reminding me that You will forever be with me and that I don’t have to carry the disappointments and negativity of yesterday into this new day.
Your word says in Job 17:9:
The righteous shall move onward and forward; those with pure hearts shall become stronger and stronger.
Today I prefer to forget what is behind and move toward what is ahead. I decide to press on toward God’s goal for me in Christ.
Merciful Father, forgive me for dwelling on the past and holding onto grudges. Touch and renew my heart to release the past and go forward.
Your word commands me to forgive others as I have been forgiven. Father, I surrender my grievances and past hurts and sorrows to you.
Please, help me not to hold grudges or harbour ill feelings and thoughts towards those who have hurt or insulted me.
Father, empower me to forgive and love everyone, even as You love me.
Help me recognise misunderstandings and unintended offences in communication. Please give me the wisdom, strength, and maturity to handle these situations.
In Jesus’ name, I pray.
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