Morning Prayer for Today – I Break Free

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for this beautiful day that You have made. I know You have something new for me today, and I open my heart to receive it. I take this moment to acknowledge Your greatness, Your endless love, and the many blessings You have poured into my life. I’m grateful, Lord, for each breath I take, for each step I make, and for the opportunities You provide to grow closer to You.

Thank You, for You have the power to make all things new. You made me a new person when I received Jesus into my life. I once lived in darkness, unaware of the light that was waiting for me, but now I walk in the light of Your love and grace. Your word is clear that through Christ, all things are made new, and I rejoice in that promise.

The old has passed away, and I stand in the newness of life that You have granted me. I am a new creation in Christ, and this truth fills me with hope and strength.

Thank You because whatever I was or did before Christ no longer has power over me. The mistakes I made, the failures I experienced, and the guilt that once burdened me no longer define me.

I am no longer bound by the chains of my past, for You have set me free. Your love has washed over me, purifying my heart and mind, and now I can live in the freedom that comes with being a child of God. No longer do I have to live in shame or fear, because through Jesus, I have been redeemed.

Your word says in 2 Corinthians 5:17:

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

Therefore, today, I refuse to believe the lies of Satan. He would try to remind me of my past, to pull me back into old habits, thoughts, and fears, but I will not allow it. I choose to stand firm in the truth of Your Word. I accept the newness that I have received in Christ Jesus.

I am no longer the person I was before; I am a new creation, with a new heart, a new purpose, and a new vision. All of my failures and mistakes are behind me, and I choose to walk in the victory that Jesus won for me on the cross.

You have commanded in Isaiah 43:18-19:

Do not call to mind the former things, or consider things of the past.
Behold, I am going to do something new, now it will spring up; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.

Lord, You are doing something new in my life right now. I believe that You are at work in ways I can’t yet see, and I trust that Your plans for me are good. Your Word assures me that You will make a way where there seems to be no way, that You will provide for me in ways beyond my understanding.

I will not focus on what was or what could have been, but I will open my eyes to what You are doing in this moment. I will not be held back by past failures, regrets, or hurt, but I will press forward into the new thing You are doing.

So, Lord, I lay aside everything that weighs me down. I release all anxiety, all doubt, and all fear into Your hands, knowing that You are able to carry my burdens. I break free from the past or anything that wants to keep me out of Your best for me in the present.

I trust that You will guide me through any challenges that may come, and I stand in Your peace that surpasses all understanding.

Today, I focus on all that You have in store for me. It will be far better than yesterday because Your goodness is new every morning. Your mercy is new every day, and I am filled with anticipation for what You will do today.

I am excited about the opportunities to experience Your love, Your grace, and Your power in ways that are fresh and new. Today is a gift, and I will live it with joy, knowing that You are with me every step of the way.

I live in this consciousness from henceforth. I choose to embrace the newness of life that You offer each day. I will walk with confidence, knowing that You are working all things together for my good.

I trust that as I continue to seek You, I will find that You are always doing something new, always bringing me closer to Your perfect will for my life.

In Jesus’ name, I pray.


5 responses to “Morning Prayer for Today – I Break Free”

  1. Sean Traves Avatar
    Sean Traves


  2. Toni Avatar
  3. Rohini Avatar


  4. Toni Avatar

    Thanks be to God

  5. eoin okeeffe Avatar
    eoin okeeffe

    Amen ❤️

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