Lord, I Want to Return to You

Sometimes, our own recklessness, traumatic experiences, or distracting life circumstances take us away from the Church and distance us from God. No matter what, God never despairs over us and always lovingly expects us to return to His shelter. 

This prayer is for all who sincerely seek the way back home.


I used to enjoy Your trust, and You were close to me. Then, I left Your shelter and Your community. You know why.

Prayers That Move Mountains: Power Prayers That Bring Answers from Heaven
  • Eckhardt, John (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

I want to go back to You, but I don’t know if I can step through the door to You again.

Lord, I remember the beauty of Your church services, the singing, and the comfort I felt as I prayed with others at Your altar. Thank You for returning this memory to me and awakening a longing for it.

Thank you for all that you have given me throughout my life.

Lord, I long for Your nearness. I desire Your grace, which gives meaning to my life.

I long for Your gentle mercy and even for Your admonitions, which have kept me from even greater mistakes.

I miss Your patience, which helped me grow in faith and let me know I am important to You. 

Lord, I call on You to remove the arrogance and pride that prevent me from returning to You.

Lord, I’m afraid of looking weak if I begin to search for you. Please free me from the fear of the judgment of others.  

Lord, send me the Holy Spirit, so I can cast off my burdens, which grow heavier by the day. Grant me Your grace so I will no longer hide anything from You. Let the wall that has grown between us be torn down.

Lord, grant that I may never again succumb to the temptations and false promises that have distanced me from You. Forgive me, “because I have forsaken You, who are the well of living water.” (Jeremiah 17:13b)

Remind me of Your promise from the book of Jeremiah:

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and the Lord is his trust. It is like a tree planted by the water, which stretches its roots to the stream, it is not afraid when the heat comes, its leaves remain green; in a dry year it does not suffer from scarcity and does not cease to bear fruit.”

Jeremiah 7:8


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