[Prayer] Lord, Give Me Your Living Water


You see the longing in my heart to be close to You, to bear the fruit that pleases You. Nothing and no one else can fill this deep thirst within me.

I search for meaning on my own, but I find myself empty. My efforts, goals, and relationships can’t satisfy my desire for the life You call me to. Whenever I try to fill this space with the things around me, I realize more fully that You alone are my peace.

Read also: Let Hope Flow: A Deeply Personal Prayer for Living Water

You know how my daily struggles and distractions pull me away from You, leaving me with an unquenched thirst. I come to You, seeking the peace only You can give.

Prayers That Move Mountains: Power Prayers That Bring Answers from Heaven
  • Eckhardt, John (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

There’s a stillness in You, Lord, that I can’t find anywhere else, a calm that speaks to the depths of my soul. Please draw me near to You, and let my heart rest in the assurance of Your presence.

May Your words of promise speak over my life:

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water,
    that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
    its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought,
    and never fails to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17: 7-8

Lord, I want my roots to be deep in You. Let me live like that tree, unshaken by the heat and droughts that come. When the pressures of life weigh on me, help me to remember Your words.

Let my confidence rest in You alone, knowing You sustain me even in my driest seasons. When my mind is filled with fear or my heart with worry, may I trust that You will keep me steady.

Just as You offered living water to the Samaritan woman by the well (John 4: 7-15), I ask You, dear Jesus, to give me the same gift.

You know every part of me, and You see the dryness in my soul. I am ready to drink deeply from Your well, to feel Your presence renewing and restoring me.

In the times when my faith feels dry and my spirit is worn out, pour Your living water into my heart again. Let me be a vessel of Your love and strength, able to bring Your healing power to others.

Quench my thirst to share Your love with those around me. Help me draw others to You, the source of life and joy that never runs dry.

Draw each of us closer to You, Lord. Let us be refreshed in Your love, finding all that we need to carry on in You. You are our life, our strength, and our source of peace. Fill us so that we may continually grow and bear Your fruit.


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