How to Feel God’s Peace? Learn to Live in the Presence

When was the last time you took a walk on the bank of a quietly flowing river as you experienced tranquillity and peace through nature? How about the cool breeze around you as you gazed at the quiet water and heard the sweet sounds of birds around the riverbank? That is what the peace of God is like.

“It Is Well”

I have always loved the hymn “It Is Well.” There is something about that song that always brings a sense of peace whenever I listen to it: “When peace like a river, attendeth my way . . . It is well, it is well, with my soul.”

This beautiful hymn was penned in the late nineteenth century by Horatio G. Spafford. History documents that he experienced profound tragedy with the death of his son to sickness and the loss of his real estate investments in the Great Chicago Fire. Adding even more pain to injury, four of his daughters perished on a transatlantic voyage on the SS Ville du Havre.

So how did Spafford find peace in the face of so much sad news around him? He was deeply rooted in his faith. He understood about divine peace that surpasses human understanding. It wasn’t that he didn’t feel pain; it was that God kept him grounded in His peace even in the midst of it.

I only began to understand this myself during our family’s tragic news in 2012, when my eldest sister was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS at the age of 36. Though we often grappled with fear and uncertainty, God continued to give us peace and unshakable faith amid the turbulence around us. 

I came to understand that God’s peace is certainly not a magic formula, but there were some specific ways we found peace in our situation.

Define God’s Peace

The word “peace” is often thought of as the absence of chaos. Jesus gave peace as a gift to us in the midst of turbulent and difficult situations. He cared deeply about peace in our hearts.

Jesus says, 

“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

John 14:27 

In this scripture, Jesus is talking about the gift of the Holy Spirit. He explains that He will be going away to heaven, but He is leaving the Holy Spirit to personally guide us and give us peace.

Surrender All to God

Often we do not feel peace because we are trying too hard to control a situation. Peace only comes when you surrender everything to God and trust Him for the outcome.

This verse is a reminder that God’s peace surpasses all understanding, and He is in control of every detail:

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:7

Meditate on the Word of God 

A mentor of mine once encouraged me to develop a scripture notebook. I use it to write down verses that encourage me and give me hope. Whenever I focus my mind on scriptural truth, it helps me block out the paths to stress and worry.  

Listen to Worship Music

Godly music is a great way to fix our minds on God’s truth and calm our fears. In 1 Samuel 16, we read an interesting story about David. He plays the lyre for Saul, who is being attacked by a harmful spirit, and the music calms him and refreshes him. Whenever I get into a harsh situation, music that sings the truth of God’s goodness helps me fix my mind on the positive and calms my soul, just like Saul’s.  

Experience God’s Peace through Nature

So often, I experience serenity through nature. The beauty of ocean waves crashing, a pine tree pointing toward the heavens—all of these remind me that God is in charge, and He is in the business of bringing out beauty from ashes. 

Most importantly, remember you are not alone. We all face unexpected trials, but God promises to offer peace and comfort if you continually seek Him. Place your spirituality and confidence in God no matter how difficult, painful, or turbulent your circumstances may be. Only in God will peace reign supreme in your life. 

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