Have You Read God’s Love Letter for You?

God gave us the divinely inspired books of the Bible, which tell us who we are and who we are meant to be. The stories in the biblical books form God’s love letter to mankind—God’s love letter for you!

God’s Love Letter for You

This loving letter expresses God’s endearment toward mankind from the very beginning. The Holy Trinity essentially says We formed you in our divine image (Genesis 1:27).

This fatherly love is supported throughout later writings and especially in the New Testament, as God says, In Me [the Triune God], you live and move and have your being (Acts 17:28).

As our creator, God knows us intimately. As a father knows a child even better than he knows himself, our heavenly Father tells us, I know when you sit down and rise. (Psalm 139:2). 

The God I Never Knew: How Real Friendship with the Holy Spirit Can Change Your Life
  • “The God I Never Knew gives life-changing insight into the mystery of the Holy Spirit
  • ”—Craig Groeschel, senior pastor of Life

This is to say, He is always looking after us, anticipating our needs, guiding our decisions, and waiting for us to call upon Him.

All Is Planned through God’s Providence

God is love, life, and purity. He is all-knowing, almighty, and eternal. He calls His creation good and mankind very well. God confirms that He planned you also. 

He says You were not a mistake. God determines all circumstances, as evident in verse, I determined the precise moment of your birth and where you would live (Acts 17:26).

Your presence here is not accidental, nor is your life the result of some unexpected circumstance. The Lord says You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14).

Remember Your ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’

Our heavenly Father is truly good to us, assuring us that every gift comes from My hand (James 1:17). I am your provider and meet all your needs (Matthew 6:31–33). 

We must rely on the Lord and ask Him often how to please Him and receive His blessings.

Often, a father knows what his child desires, yet he patiently waits for the son to ask. This is good; the Father does not want the son to expect everything to be done for him. He must be formed in humility and gratitude.

Our Hope Remains in Him

God encourages us to trust and hope in Him, revealing that My plan for our future has always been filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11). 

If we are burdened by the persecution and suffering in the modern world, it is good for us to remember that the eternal God has already conquered Death. He implores us to hope, saying, 

I love you with an everlasting love .

Jeremiah 31:3

God’s love for us does not change. We witness that through salvation history, as told through the inspired books of the Bible. Read more lines of this divine love letter in Active Christianity’s post, “A letter of love from God to you.” 

In these divinely inspired words, hear God’s love letter for you.

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