Divine Mercy Prayer for the Dying

Every afternoon, at 3:00 – the hour of Our Lord’s death – it is good to recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet for all souls throughout the world and especially for the dying. This prayer was given to St. Faustina by Our Lord at the beginning of the 20th century. Jesus asked that all the faithful would recite this prayer regularly, especially at the hour of a loved one’s death. So, here it is, divine mercy prayer for the dying.

Divine mercy prayer for the dying

Divine Mercy Prayer for the Dying

Dear God, we have but a short amount of time on this earth to learn Your just ways, to act according to Your Word, and to share Your light with others. Bless us to spend our days, numbered as they are, glorifying You and hastening Your Kingdom.

The Body and the Blood, Soul and Divinity…

Merciful Jesus, You humbled Yourself in Your Divinity and took on a human nature so that you might offer Your all for us. Even in Your humanity, You did not fear death. Rather, You embraced the cross which would be the instrument of salvation for all humankind.

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Of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ…

Help us too to see the saving grace offered by the crosses You allow us to bear. May we let no suffering go to waste. May we offer our difficulties to the Lord in reparation for our sins, for the deepened conversion of our loved ones, and for graces throughout the world.

In atonement for our sins, and those of the whole world.

Dear Jesus, in my mortality, it is difficult for me to envision the afterlife. I trust that You and Your Heavenly Father will be awaiting my arrival in Heaven. Yet, I fear the separation from everything I have ever known in this life. I fear sickness, weakness, helplessness. I fear that my deeds and actions offered throughout my years in this world will not be meaningful. I dread the thought of being forgotten. Or worse yet—being remembered only for my faults and inadequacies.

For the sake of His sorrowful passion…

Merciful Jesus, tradition says that you comforted Your loving father, Joseph, when he passed on from this world. When my final hour arrives, please kneel by my side also, and clasp my hand. Grant me blessings for those things I did with love and devotion; grant me also forgiveness for the things I did not attend to as diligently and compassionately as my Christian duty required.

Divine mercy prayer for the dying

Have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Lord, above all, grant me the grace to forgive others the way You forgave in your final hour. May I be gentle with my friends, as you were with the apostles—offering peace to Your companions who abandoned You at the cross. May I also be generous in praying for my enemies, as You were with the pharisees and the soldiers who put You to death. Help me to entrust both my friends and my enemies to Your Divine Mercy, knowing that You are the Just and Merciful Judge.

Jesus, I Trust in You.

Jesus, grant me the grace to trust in You and submit my whole self to You the way you submitted Yourself to the Father. May I do this all the days of my life, and especially at the hour of my death. 

This is my Divine Mercy Prayer for the dying. Make it yours and pray it with me.

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