Considering Adoption? Here’s What the Bible Says

Are you considering adoption? What does the Bible say about it? 

Adoption is neatly woven into scripture. If you’re considering it as an option for your family, these Bible verses and stories can serve not only to strengthen your faith but also to encourage you as you look toward becoming a forever home for that child.  

Abba, Father

In many Christian discussions about adoption, the focus is usually on God’s decision to adopt us as His own. In Romans 8:15, the Bible tells us that when God adopted us, we got the right to call Him “Abba.” Whereas God’s adoption of us is spiritual, those who lovingly choose to open doors for other children are following that model, helping children to experience God’s love and protection under their care.  

The book of Ephesians 1:5 states: 

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“He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.”

Ephesians 1:5

Why Consider Adoption?

Adoption is a divine answer from God for many couples. It may be a heavenly calling upon them to become parents, expanding their families with children who aren’t theirs by birth.  

Adoption is also a fulfillment of the definition of true religion as envisioned in the scripture. The Bible, in the book of James 1:27 states:  

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

James 1:27

In this verse, the verb “visit” means to look after, take care of, and provide for the needs of orphans. If God is calling you to provide for a child, it can make a huge impact to open the doors to your home—and your heart—to them, to give them a family.

The Adoption of Moses

The Bible is full of examples of divinely inspired adoptions. In Exodus 2, we read the story of a Hebrew woman who bears a son at a time when Pharaoh has decreed that all Hebrew male children should be killed. She puts her baby in a woven basket and places him in the river among reeds. 

One of Pharaoh’s daughters comes across the basket and takes the child, eventually adopting him into the royal family and giving him the name “Moses.” Moses goes on to become a faithful and blessed servant of God through whom God’s name is glorified. 

Esther’s Adoption

Later, in the book of Esther, a girl named Esther is adopted by her cousin after the death of her parents. Esther becomes a queen whom God uses to bring deliverance to Jews. Reading through Matthew 1:18, we encounter Jesus Christ, who is conceived through the Holy Spirit. He is adopted and raised by Joseph, who takes Him as his own child.

Becoming Part of God’s Family

The moment you give your heart to Jesus through unwavering faith and trust, you become part of God’s family through adoption. Along the same lines, when out of love and compassion you adopt a child into your family, you become God’s ambassador in practice. Whether you are a birth parent or not, God takes pride in you as His child when you raise one of His own in love.

Through Adoption, You Receive Honor from God 

Just as God values His relationships and graciously adopts into His spiritual family those who receive Christ as their personal Savior, so should you also lovingly consider adopting children into your physical family unit if you feel called to do so. 

Keep in mind that any child you raise with love gives God glory and honor. And, as you are always His child, God also stretches out His hand to give you victory in whichever area you feel weak, He is a loving, caring, and merciful God and He will guide you all the way as you take care of His little one.

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