“Come to Me, All You Who Are Weary and Burdened”: Matthew 11:28-30 Explained

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the things around you? From strained relationships to personal struggles like addictions, depression, or worries about uncertainties in your life—does life seem to be beating you down? Are you on a Christian path but struggling to please God by doing it all exactly right? The Savior invites you to take your struggles to Him.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 

Matthew 11:28

Jesus Is Calling to You

“Come to me.” 

In the first key part of the verse, Jesus invites us to join Him along the path He is on. He is faithful, so it falls to you and I to decide whether we’ll answer the call and follow Him, trading all that we are and becoming renewed. 

This is a direct and personal call; you don’t need an intermediary. You are allowed to walk to Him without anything standing in the way.

Give Him Your Burdens

The following verse particularly references “all you who are weary and burdened.” What yoke is weighing you down? From the trials of life, urges to seek recognition in today’s world, strains of a restrictive religion, guilt or shame when you recognize your sin, or the desire to please God by living a perfect life—whatever the yoke is, Jesus is inviting you to put it down.

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

Matthew 11:29–30

Carrying your sin is an impossible task. The Jewish listeners had received enormous burdens from their religious leaders, which they were to carry to be approved by God. Jesus reveals the Father to anyone, immediately offering rest to those who feel weighed down.

Say Yes to Rest

Jesus says, “And I will give you rest.” Are you struggling to do it all on your own? Relying on your strength strains your mind and spirit. You can barely function well when you’re lifting those weights by yourself.

God is inviting you to take a rest—rest from the fear of things going on around you, both seen and unseen, the hopelessness that comes when things are not in your control, or addictions from drugs, alcohol, or even pornography. Jesus wants to set you free, giving you rest from the tortures of these burdens.

Take the Step

God’s rest is freely available as a gift of grace to anyone who seeks it—and the first step is asking for it. You don’t have to be tired and weary, relying on your strength to get things done. In worldly matters, it frustrates you. In salvation matters, it is impossible. 

Jesus is reaching out to the brokenhearted souls and burdened sinners with a promise of rest and relief. Will you heed the call?

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