A Prayer for My Wife

A family that prays together stays together. There is no greater truth than this. You know what is even greater? A family that prays for each other. Every time we pray for our spouses, we allow the Lord to change them – but more importantly, we allow Him to change us. Below is a prayer for Your wife that You can incorporate into Your daily personal prayers.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the gift of my wife. Thank You that Your word affirms that he who has found a wife has found a good thing. I thank You today for bestowing upon me the great gift of a helpmate. I thank You for seeing it fit that I may not be alone. I thank You that of all women, You gave me the gift of her, flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone. I am humbled and awed by this great gift and honor.

This day, dear Lord, I place her in Your care, trusting that You know what is best for her. Please bless the work of her hands and bless her going out and coming in. I ask You to favor all her dealings. In her daily activities, may You build in her the spirit of the Proverbs 31 woman. 

Please bless her interactions at work, and may we call her blessed both at home and at work. May she be a delight and gift to all that come in contact with her. May her words be a wellspring of life; may she seek to build up and not tear down. May she bring light to all the dark places in our lives.

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May she be the salt in her group. May everyone who comes into contact with her see You. May her life be a reflection of Your goodness, mercy, and favor.

I thank You, dear Lord, for our family, I thank You for all that she does both at home and at work, and I thank You for the great gift that she is. I pray that You may make me a worthy husband for her. Help me support her and lay down my life for her, as You did for us on the cross.

Remind me that I should love her as You loved the church, and teach me how best to do that. Guide me on how to be an instrument of love and peace in this home. Teach me to put the needs of my family first at all times.

After long days at work, when I just want to go home, lie down, and rest, remind me to serve my family as Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. Let me always speak gently and with respect. Help me at all times to build up my wife and my children.

Remind me that You are slow to anger and abounding in love, and that is the lead I should follow. Guide me on how best to lead this family that You have given me. Above all else, grant us all the grace to follow You.

Please bless my wife and keep her. May Your face shine upon her and be gracious to her. Thank You for the gift that she is.


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