A Prayer for Love


I ask you to send the Holy Spirit into people’s hearts worldwide and to fill us with love. Touch us when we work, sleep, eat, alone or in a company. 

Fill us with your power to live and work only for good. Let us become executors and witnesses of your Love, wherever we are. 

Let your Spirit burn within us and pour out on us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and self-control (Gal. 22: 2-3).

Prayers That Move Mountains: Power Prayers That Bring Answers from Heaven
  • Eckhardt, John (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

If ever we need Your love, we need it now. Give us the knowledge and grace to see in each other a sibling—not a rival or an enemy. Someone who needs our love and compassion, but also someone who will help us become more human, compassionate, secure, mature, wise, and capable of relationships. 

God the Father, you created each of us out of your love. May this awareness never disappear from our sight, especially when we are at the edge of our capabilities and can only see ourselves. Then, give us the strength to open our hearts and invite You to work through us. 

Lord, teach us to share in love all we have with others. May this “muscle” of solidarity and goodness be strengthened every day. 

Let us not make excuses for our helplessness, but trust in your provision and see that you always take care of us – at the right time. 

Let us be aware of our uniqueness – that we are made after Your inspiration. Let us learn to look at people of other races and nations with your fatherly eyes. 

Let it remove all the feelings of insecurity and inferiority that arise from self-serving. Give us the grace to unconditionally accept each other as brothers and sisters, for you created us to enrich one another, not to rob, enslave, or kill. 

Lord, connect us, and above all, remove from our world everything that is not good and worthy of You. Weave new bonds of love and brotherhood between us. 

Lord, grant that we may be kind and merciful to one another and that we may be able to forgive, just as you, Father, always graciously forgive us in Jesus Christ


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