A Morning Prayer for Family Unity

Do you desire for your family to grow closer to each other and the Lord? In our busy world, we often feel disconnected from those we love. It is so important to find time to connect with each other and to God in prayer. 

One great way to do this is by spending time together each day in morning prayer for the family. For many of us, the only consistent time together is in the morning before everyone goes to work, school, or activities. Why not take a moment during this time to devote to God? 

In Lamentations, we read,

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning.” 

Lamentations 3:22–23

Praying in the morning is the most powerful way to start your day! The many benefits of morning prayer are multiplied when you spend this time in morning prayer for family unity, together as a family. Rising each day and beginning with morning prayer for your family is a great way to connect, offer Your day to God, and begin on the right track. 

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Morning Prayer For Family Unity

Heavenly Father, we come before you in prayer this morning, as a family, to offer our day to You. We acknowledge that You are the source of all our blessings and joy, and we long to give ourselves more fully to You. 

We thank you, Lord, for the ways You have blessed our family. We thank You for each person here, and we thank You for the life we share together. In good times and bad, we recognize that You have never abandoned us, and we give thanks for Your faithfulness. 

We ask that You would bless each of us as we go about our duties this day. We ask for protection and safety, for the grace we need to stay close to You, and for opportunities to serve you more faithfully. 

Help us, Lord, to see You in each person we encounter today. Remind us that we are called to be living witnesses of Your grace, and help us overcome the fears and obstacles that hold us back from living in the way you have called us. 

We pray for Your grace to help us love one another more fully. May we be patient in our frustrations, compassionate in our trials, and sacrificial in our love for one another today and every day. 

Please guide our family onto the path that You have for us. Grant us an openness and acceptance of Your calling in our lives, that we may be the people You want us to be. We pray that You would use our family, Lord, to help build Your kingdom in this world. 

Please strengthen our family, Lord. May each of us grow closer to You, and with You at the center, may our family be further united in our shared faith. Amen.

There are many resources out there that can help you get started with morning prayer for family unity, including our daily morning prayer—subscribe and you’ll receive a short prayer each morning straight to your email! 

If we want our families centered on a life of faith, it is important to spend time together each day in prayer. Don’t let your day get started without spending some family time in morning prayer together.

One response to “A Morning Prayer for Family Unity”

  1. Riley Avatar

    What a privelege indeed and choice to be given. I had nothing I could donate for quite sometime and as it just so happens I read the daily prayer and made a way for the present instalment! Thanks B to God as we shout out and rejoice in Jesus name Amen!

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