You Reap What You Sow – If you don’t like it, you can change it!

Are you satisfied in your life? Are you happy with the way you are living? If not, you are not alone. We so often fall into the trap of complacency in our lives. Perhaps we feel that our life could be better, but we don’t feel it’s possible for us to get to that better life. 

In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, we read, 

“Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” 

Galatians 6:7

This passage gives rise to the popular saying, “You reap what you sow.” What does this mean, and how can accepting this reality enable us to make the changes we need in our lives?

What Do You Want?

When examining the way we live our lives, the first step is to consider what it is that we want out of life. When we feel that twinge of dissatisfaction, we must dig deep to see what is at the root. Is there an unfulfilled longing? Perhaps a goal left unmet? 

We often feel a sense of dissatisfaction or unhappiness with our lives when we compare ourselves with others. We see the way someone else lives, and we desire that for ourselves! 

I have experienced this on a personal level. At a recent playdate with some friends and our kids, I was shocked by how well the other children were cleaning up their toys—without even being asked! Cleaning up in our house has always been a battle, so I was both inspired and a little envious.

My friend explained that from the time her kids were very small, she would always help them clean up their toys before moving on to something new. Developing the habit of cleaning up was so important that no matter how tired or busy she was, she always made time for it. 

This experience was encouraging for me because it reminded me that I have to be clear about what it is I want, and then I need to work for it. Things in life don’t come easy, but if we’re willing to be dedicated and put the time in, we can achieve our goals. 

What Are You “Sowing”?

Once we determine what it is we hope to “reap” in our lives, we should consider how our actions are or are not helping us get there. We can think of a million reasons and excuses for why we don’t have what we want, but the first place we should look is our own actions. 

Do you want to grow closer to God? Many of us have this longing. If so, what are you doing to make it happen? Are you spending time in daily prayer? Are you going to church regularly and cultivating relationships and friendships with fellow Christians? 

Life is hard, and God is gracious and merciful to us even in the midst of our weakness, but if we are feeling the constant desire to grow closer to Him or to see change in another area of life, it is so important to be intentional in the way we spend our time. 

When you feel stuck, and you fear you won’t reach the happiness you long for, consider what you “sow,” and think of one small step you can take today toward what you desire. 

You Reap What You Sow

The good news is that we don’t have to sit back and wait for life to happen to us. You reap what you sow, so when you put in the work for what you want, you can expect to reap a generous harvest! 

We read in the Psalms, 

“Those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy!”

Psalm 126:5

What a beautiful image.

Remember this image when you are fighting hard to change your life. Although it’s tough right now, you will reap with joy.

All the hard work, all the time we spend sowing in order to become the person that God has called us to be is so worth it. With God’s help, you can find the happiness you long for. 

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