No Worries, God Has Our Backs!

We can’t imagine the relief that comes from knowing that God has our backs. Knowing that God can handle whatever comes against us can actually relieve some of our stresses, struggles, and fears

Protecting the Little Children

I remember one incident in the local school where I taught several years ago. The school had both elementary and high school sections in the exact location, and you could walk across the yard from the elementary section right into the high school section.

The elementary students were mainly scared to cross into the senior section because the older students would bully them. Sometimes, if a teacher or supervisor were present, they would muster the courage to do so.

On one occasion, a staff member asked a group of elementary students to pick up some seats from the high school section. They marched in and successfully carried the seats. However, they were stopped on their way back and threatened by a group of older boys. 

The younger kids were scared, but then one of them spotted me and somehow whispered my presence to the others.

They Saw I Had Their Backs

I immediately noticed that their fear and timidity evaporated and were replaced by a new confidence. They looked up at the high school students (knowing full well that they had the advantage now) and told them to get out of their way.

When the older students tried to hit them for their audacity, they added, “Mr. James sent us here, and he is watching you right now.” The moment the older kids heard my name, it was the end. 

They turned, and when they saw that I was watching them, they let the kids go and walked away.

God Has Your Backs, Too

That day, I learned a valuable life lesson: my confidence is largely influenced by my awareness of Who is with me rather than what is before me.

Those kids knew that because I was their teacher, I would never allow anyone to harm them. They knew I had their backs; that was all the confidence they needed.

Similarly, as long as we are in God, there is no reason to fear what is before us. Why? Because God is with us. His word is filled with many promises that confirm this. Look at some of them:

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.”

Isaiah 49:15–16 

“God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” 

Hebrews 13:5

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Romans 8:31

Isn’t it comforting to know that God is for you no matter what you are going through? Whatever the hand life has dealt you, God has your back, and He will not allow anything to destroy you.

Go from Knowing to Believing

It’s one thing to know that God has our backs, but it’s more beneficial when we can continue believing it. Knowing that God is in charge is great, but it can’t do much for you unless you allow it to influence your life through belief.

My students knew me and what I was capable of—and they also believed I would act if the need arose. That was the game-changer. Because of their confidence in me, they could do what other kids could not—stand up to the older students.

They weren’t doing it to prove they were strong. They were doing it because they believed I could do something.

God wants us to believe and act this way. You are not alone. Ever. He will never leave you, no matter the situation. Even when everyone else abandons us, God, our Father, will never leave

We are children of God, and our heavenly Father is with us. God has our backs, and therefore, we will not fear. Rise today and face your fears, knowing that God has your back!

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