Moving On After The Pain of Losing a Loved One

The beauty of God’s artistry is clearly manifested in your life. Life becomes even more beautiful when you are surrounded by dear ones who genuinely love and appreciate you. You are always sure of a shoulder to lean on when your back is against the wall.

On the flip side, everyone will eventually exit this world. Therefore, you should be willing to accept the fact that death is part of life, and it gives meaning to your existence. It reminds you of how precious your and your loved one’s life is.

There’s A Season For Everything

In the book of Ecclesiastes, The Bible says:

“To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Despite understanding God’s word, as stated above, it remains clear that losing a dear person can be a painful experience. How, then, do you walk through the pain and start all over again?

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When you read the Bible in the book of Isaiah, the word of God says:

“He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.”

Isaiah 40:29

In your low moments, trust in God, and He will give you the power to overcome grief.

Here are a few steps that can help you walk through the pain of losing a loved one and victoriously forging ahead towards a new start in life:

You Are Human, Let The Feelings To Flow Freely

Handling the pain related to the death of a loved one can be overwhelming. Let the emotions flow because it’s very natural to experience this.

Gently remind yourself at that low moment that your feelings are very normal. Let the tears flow freely, let the heart grieve freely, and let your mind come to terms at its own pace.

Seek Help From God And Your Support System

The Lord is your comforter. Your trust in God will be your strength whenever your heart is in pain.

In the book of Psalms, the Bible says:

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

Psalms 54:1

Call unto Him in distress, and He shall comfort you.

It is also important to seek help from your trusted support group whenever you feel overwhelmed by the loss of a loved one. This circle of friends or family members can be very helpful at this point and can play a crucial role in making your healing process bearable.

Allow Yourself To Go Through The Grieving Process

Allow yourself to progressively go through the stages of grief one step at a time.

There are several stages, and each stage is unique. 

Denial: Upon receiving sad news concerning the loss of your loved one, you may initially find it hard to accept that what you’ve heard is true.

Anger: As the truth begins to sink in, anger slowly starts to creep in. It is normal to feel the rage building up in you. The rage may be directed towards you for not having been able to possibly fully help out; your lost loved one for departing from you, medical practitioners for not being able to heal your loved one, or even towards God.

Bargaining: You may try to cope with the loss by negotiating with the supernatural power. You may find yourself trying to reason with God why your dear one departed, why it had to be that person, and so on.

Depression: At some point, sadness becomes overwhelming. This is also normal, and you should know it will not last forever.

Acceptance: Embrace the reality of the loss and slowly start moving ahead.

Open A New Chapter

A time will come when you must decide to move on. When you accept the loss as a reality, you’ll slowly start embracing a fresh start without your loved one around.

Everyone takes a different path while responding to the loss of a loved one. Be kind to yourself, accept the loss, take one day at a time, and let life go on.

2 responses to “Moving On After The Pain of Losing a Loved One”

  1. Destiny Bailey Avatar
    Destiny Bailey

    I lossed my 6 month old son in August. Its been 6 months the now and I have been in struggling to accept that my baby boy was called home. Thank you so much for this. It was written so beautifully and so gently. It was very easy for me to read beginning to end! God Bless and Stay Safe! Sending prayers to all

  2. Ethel Mtetwa Avatar
    Ethel Mtetwa

    I lost my 26yr old son 4months ago. It really a struggle. People are saying a lot of hurtful things about his death and am still struggling to come in terms. I now rely on social media platforms. Thank you for this advice

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