Morning Routine: Start Your Day with God

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Do you head straight for your phone, or are you among those who snooze their alarm until it’s too late for anything extra? 

Take a minute to reflect on how different your day could be if you surrendered yourself to God each morning.

Like most things in life, a successful and confident start to the day begins with good habits. Jesus teaches us in Mark 1:35 how to have a great start to the day with God as the priority:

 “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

Mark 1:35

Surrender before God

When you kneel before God, you can stand before any challenge and win! When you seek God first and subject yourself to His will, you will be able to face the day with confidence, knowing that you are under God’s divine cover.  

The book of Matthew says:

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” 

Matthew 6:33

Sometimes, starting your day with God can be an easy thing to ignore or underestimate. However, the good news is that the power to be intentional with your time lies in your hands. 

Here are practical ways to start your mornings with God:

1. Go to Bed Early

For productive mornings, you need to sleep enough. Staying up till 2 a.m. watching television or scrolling through your phone may end up affecting you physically and psychologically. When you wake up rested, you will be ready to read the word of God, meditate, pray, and get to work in good time.

2. Make It a Priority

Make starting your day with God a priority. It will be an adjustment, and just like any other change, it may not be easy. However, the reward from God by far outweighs the hard transition. 

3. Adopt a Bible Reading Plan

Many people don’t read the Bible because they simply don’t know where to start! If you’re having trouble with where to start, don’t worry. You can adopt a Bible reading plan that will help you to commit to reading God’s Word every morning. 

4. Customize a Prayer Spot

Choose a room or area in your house from where you can focus on prayer. If this seems daunting, here are some ways to get started:

  • Find a Location

Do you have a space in your house currently being used for storage? Consider emptying it for a greater purpose. If an area like this does not exist in your home, try being creative. Might there be some space on the floor, in a cozy corner, or even in a closet where you could make room? Any space where you can feel peaceful and concentrate on God is good enough.

  • Decorate Your Space

Once you have space, collect items that brighten you up daily. Post scriptures and inspirational quotes or even spiritual pictures to decorate your space. Be creative! 

  • Add Your Bible and Prayer Journal

Having a prayer journal and Bible will keep you focused on God. Persevere through the battle of distractions, and you will be rewarded with peace and contentment. With your reading plan in place and your Bible handy, you can be sure of winning your battles with God in charge.

5. Write Down Affirmations

Write down a list of affirmations inspired by verses from the Bible. Each morning you can pick one and read it aloud. This can be a great way to reconnect with God and grow your faith. Here are some to start with:

  • I am loved by God. (John 3:16)
  • God will never leave me or abandon me. (Hebrews 13:5)
  • I will live by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)
  • God is always faithful. He will complete the good work that He has begun in me. (Philippians 1:6)
  • God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

6. Subscribe To Operando Daily Morning Prayers

Uplifting daily morning prayers can be a huge blessing to you each morning. Take a step and subscribe for a daily dose of morning prayers to command your day!  

Put His Word before the World 

Try to personalize your mornings based on your lifestyle and relationship with God. The most important thing is that you remain intentional about connecting with Him FIRST each morning.

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