“It’s Never Too Late for God,” Declares 95-Year-Old Woman After Her Confirmation

Mavis Lindstrom, 95, has a message for the world: “It’s never too late for God.”

Last weekend, at Holy Trinity Church in Bradford on Avon, Mavis took a step of faith many take in their youth—she was confirmed in the Church of England. Despite her age, Mavis enthusiastically embraced this new chapter in her spiritual journey, calling it “a very special new thing.”

Having spent her life raising three children and working in theatre, Mavis hadn’t been a regular churchgoer until a few years ago. She began attending Holy Trinity with friends, where she noticed something different about those around her.

“I felt a trace of envy for the light that shone from these people because of their faith,” she said, explaining how she was drawn to explore her spiritual path. “I began to think I would like some of that light.”

Though she attended church as a child, Mavis admits faith hadn’t played a significant role in her adult life—until now. With encouragement from friends and clergy, she decided to pursue confirmation.

The service was conducted by Rt Rev Robert Atwell, the assistant bishop in the Diocese of Salisbury, who described the event as “a special joy.” He added, “At 95, Mavis is the oldest person I’ve ever confirmed, but the youngest in heart.”

For Mavis, this milestone represents a new beginning. “I haven’t reached the end of the questions,” she said, “but confirmation is an important milestone. It’s never too late.”

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