Isaiah 58:14: God Promises You Joy!

Isaiah 58:14 has a lot to tell us about joy.

The joy of the Lord is a supernatural confidence that the Almighty God is sovereign, merciful, loving, powerful—and present in every circumstance around you.

It is brought about through a divine understanding, given to you by the Holy Spirit, that no matter how dark a situation may seem, God is at work and will, without a shadow of doubt, make things right—even if things don’t work out the way we think they will. 

It can sometimes seem harder and harder to feel happy in today’s fast-paced, secular world. The 2019 World Happiness Report showed that negative feelings such as worry and sadness had risen 27 percent since 2010. 

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If we rely on our own understanding, it’s easy to get lost in an anxious spiral. So let’s look for truth. What does the Bible say? 

Isaiah 58:14 states that: 

“Then you shall take delight in the Lord, and I will make you ride upon the heights of the earth; I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

Isaiah 58:14 

What Does Isaiah 58:14 Mean?

This verse reassures us of God’s perfection and His mercy to us as His children. We don’t have to be shattered by our circumstances or dismayed by what we see around us.

Our God is an ever-loving, glorious God. And at the right time, determined by His perfect will, He will redeem us in any situation. 

This verse also assures us that we will “ride upon the heights of the earth.” This means the Lord will ensure our utmost safety from any traps or snares of the world, that we will enjoy plenty, especially in our spiritual life, and that we have the authority of God. How beautiful is that? 

When the Lord declares, “I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father,” He means that He will supply all your needs just as expansively as He supplied Jacob’s land and descendants, which, as we read in Genesis 28:14, “spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south.”

Why Should You Worry?

Why give in to worry when the God you serve is bigger than any situation under the sun? God, by His righteous hand and authority, is able to turn around every pain for your gain, every sin for your win, and every tribulation for your celebration.

But this doesn’t just happen magically—these things become clear when we focus strictly on the cross. It has every answer to our circumstances and every proof that we should bank on God.

God Has A Solution

God has promised you joy in your life no matter the circumstance. What does this mean? God has a solution to any challenge, big or small.

You may ask, how? Try envisioning the world from His point of view so you can learn to think like He things. Do not listen to what people say; listen to what He says. Kneel before Him and watch as He establishes you beyond human understanding. 

Give God Your Burdens

Has there been a time, perhaps recently, when you felt like God had forsaken you? Well, here’s the good news: as we read in Isaiah 58:14, God is in charge in good and bad circumstances.

He is waiting to fight your battles for you and wants you to turn your burdens over to Him. Therefore, when you kneel before God, you can stand before any adversity and win.

One response to “Isaiah 58:14: God Promises You Joy!”

  1. daniel oneya Avatar
    daniel oneya

    This is very encouraging. I’m very blessed with the manner in which you have expaunded this verse.
    God bless you 🙏

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